chapter 11

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Tyler, Caroline, and Elena came back with lots of drinks

At Elena's house

Elena: I set up the food.

Stefan: I will be back I have to get my drink

Elena: it thought you were being sober?

Stefan: ugh for one night I'm not I'm gonna get drunk

Elena: ok

Stefan went to get drinks as the other came back with drinks

Bonnie: well dang

Elena: sorry bonnie

Bonnie: no all good

Elena: well we got to wait for Stefan

Lexi: thought he was sober

Elena: change his mind

Lexi: oh ok

Bonnie: well since me and I can't be super drunk we can be the sober ones plus we got school tomorrow

Lexi: what about Care and Tyler?

Elena: I'm not sure how drinking will mess with Tyler tomorrow but Care and the rest of us will be fine.

Stefan came back

Elena: what movie do you all want to watch?

Stefan: not sure

Caroline: romance movies

Tyler: action movie

Lexi: not sure

Jeremy: umm not sure

Jenna texts Jeremy saying Alaric is leaving tonight.

Jeremy: I'm off to go back home to pack for when Alaric leaves

Elena: ok Jer, we will miss you when you do go.

Everyone said goodbye to Jeremy and hugged him

Jeremy left

Elena: Bonnie?

Bonnie: I'm with care

Elena: why do we all pick one to watch

Stefan: sounds like an idea then

They get all that they need and head into the living room.

Elena got the remote and put on a movie

About halfway through the second movie Jenna calls

Stefan answered Elena's  phone

Jenna whatever you did to Alaric did not work

Stefan, you got to be kidding me

Jenna, he keeps going on and about killing vampires

Stefan crap

Jenna, I'm not sure what to do

Stefan get him to stay at the house for a bit then we will be gone then

Jenna one thing

Stefan let me guess he left town already

Jenna, he knows about you all but he thinks that there are other vampires outside of town

Stefan well he is not wrong there are a lot of them outside of our town

Jenna, I sent Jeremy with him

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