chapter 15

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At Elena's house in her room

Elena: I'm scared I feel like Alaric is hiding something from me I can't place it

Stefan: he might be hiding something here then. everything at my house is the same and he has barely been there.  

Elena: I know I can see that but one thing it's gonna take the three of us to erase us from his brain

Stefan: well actually he already forgot about Damon

Elena: he still remembers the rest of us tho

Stefan: I know but will Jenna be ok with what are doing

There was a knock on the door

They froze

Jenna: it's just me

Elena opened the door

Jenna came into the room and closed the door behind her

Elena: we are going to make Alaric forget about us

Stefan: Lexi will be helping it's three of us going into his mind

Jenna: he will not remember you then Elena?

Elena: Jenna it's for the best given what happened tonight

Jenna: but if he remembers you somehow will you be ok with what he told us?

Elena: I'm not going to be around much longer. See if Alaric remembers me I will not be in town.

Jenna: where will you be?

Stefan: me and Elena decided to travel all over and skip town. We are doing this so that if Alaric goes hunter mode again then we will be long gone

Jenna: what happens if his hunter mode doesn't happen and he remembers you Elena and asks the question what do I tell him?

Elena: well there is one thing

Stefan: Elena, not that

Jenna: let me guess tell him your dead

Elena: yep when we come back visit call me Emma

Jenna: did you talk it over with the others

Elena: the other can join us if they want to but one more thing I will be going to college in whitemore.

Jenna: ok

Elena: Jenna I'm sorry about all of this happening to us

Jenna: non of it is your fault sweetie ok

Elena gave Jenna a hug

There was a knock at the door

They froze

Elena and Stefan jumped out the window

Jenna opened the door

Alaric: did she leave?

Jenna: yeah she did

Alaric: I will talk to her tomorrow

At the boarding house

Damon: we got everything here and put it away

Elena: thanks all of you for the help i know you all are tried

Bonnie: what the plan for tomorrow

Elena: me and Stefan skip school and then when school is over go to my house Lexi and Stefan are gonna make him forget about us. If he remembers us by then I hope it's after we graduate from college

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