chapter 4

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Alaric, Elena, and Tyler all head off to Chicago to meet with Damon to attempt to save Stefan.

Hotel in Chicago

Alaric: we are here this is where Damon is staying at.

They get out of the van

Damon comes out of the room to meet them

Damon: The idea is that we all go into the bar me and Alaric distract Klaus

Alaric: one thing Tyler is a wolf Klaus can smell them. Tyler stays in the van.

Tyler: I'd rather be safe than sorry

Damon: Elena are you sure you can do this?  you got five minutes tops

Elena: I'm sure I got this

Alaric: you are going to need vervain dart

Elena: ok

Tyler: the idea is the three of you going to the bar.

Damon: no just me and Alaric I will get Stefan to meet me outside and then Elena will talk to him the get him with vervain then I get him in the van. Tyler you text Alaric for me. Then Alaric gets in the van then we go back here. If Stefan wakes up in the meantime we just keep giving him vervain. Until we get back home then lock him in the basement.

Tyler: how about I be the getaway driver?

Elena: that sounds like a better idea. The reason behind it is that in case Alaric can't make it to the van Damon you can vamp speed him back here. I will be fine in the van with Stefan.

Damon: Elena this is not like last time tho.

Elena: he wouldn't hurt me.

Damon: slight chance he is a different person when it comes to drinking human blood.

Elena: but this is Stefan we are talking about here Damon he wouldn't hurt me.

Damon: fine

Gloria's bar

Damon and Alaric walk in and see Stefan

Damon nods to the back exit door

Damon and Stefan head outside


Stefan: what on earth are you doing here?

Damon: I'm here to cheek on my baby brother is that an issue?

Stefan: I told you at the Mountain Klaus is close to figuring out why he can't make any more hybrids. He talked to Gloria already. His sister Rebekah is awake.

Damon: there is more than Elijah as an original vampire now?

Stefan: it doesn't matter

Stefan saw Elena

Stefan walks up to her

Damon goes back into the bar

Stefan: you shouldn't be here

Elena: oh well I am

Stefan: even tho it's not safe

Elena: you are here so I'm staying

Stefan: Elena this is not how it works once Klaus figures out you are the only person left for him to make more hybrids then you will be a blood bag for the rest of your life

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