chapter 13

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At Klaus place

Elijah: be nice Klaus

Klaus: they are here

Damon opened the door

Damon: hi

Klaus: look the reason the deal is off is because we know Alaric is out there and well I got Katherine here.

Stefan: so you don't need Elena?

Elijah: no we don't need Elena but went to keep her close in case Katherine is stupid and ends her life.

Damon: I got an idea we get Alaric back in town and we fix him the right way.

Elijah: then what?

Damon: then I go with you two and I will help you find wolves and hunt them down.

Stefan looked at Damon

Klaus: I do not need you both anymore

Stefan: the deal is off due to the fact you have Katherine and that you are scared to go anywhere due to Alaric

Elijah: yeah but two knuckleheads figure out how to fix him then we will leave town

Klaus: I'm done making deals with the two of you since the two of you think you can keep Elena safe and proved it a bit.

Stefan: what about Tyler?

Klaus: he stays in town I do not want to take his life away from him

Elijah: I bet you are wondering who compelled Noah Today?

Stefan: yeah actually

Klaus: not me I was here with Elijah

Klaus went over to show Stefan some of his memories of the day

Elijah: we got some visitors and well I can make this deal you and all your friends will be safe and protected by us. Don't do anything stupid to make us come to save you.

Damon: we wouldn't

Elijah: you two can go now

Stefan walked out the door

Damon is right behind him

Stefan: I'm going to Bonnie's house

Damon: you going to tell them the news?

Stefan: not tonight and tomorrow

Damon: your phone keeps going off

Stefan: I know it, Elena

Damon: she still thinks you going to leave

Stefan: yeah

At Bonnie's house

Elena: I brought Lexi with me there was no point in leaving her with Damon

Bonnie: come on in

Lexi: Thanks

Elena: sorry it took awhile

Bonnie: no you two are the first ones back

Elena: oh

Bonnie: I'm sure he is fine Elena

Elena: I got this bad feeling

Bonnie: I'm sure it's fine

Lexi: Elena if he was hurt you would feel it.

Elena: well actually I would

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