Chapter 8

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It had been a week since your "date" with Dipper and your eyes lingered on him more often than not. He also showed up in the gift shop and at Greasy's whenever you were on the clock. He said he was just in the area and stopped by to chat, but you were starting to question that. Sure, you thought he was cuter than a box full of puppies, but he was starting to act strange. After the last group of tourists had vacated the gift shop you decided to consult the one person you could trust to keep a secret.

"I'm heading out, Soos. Be back later." you said, grabbing your keys and heading out the door before he could refuse. Dipper had just came down the stairs as you shut the door and his shoulders slumped. He didn't want to creep you out by following you, but he had really wanted to talk to you again. "Yo yo, bro bro. What's got you looking all blue?" Mabel said as she flopped onto his back. "N-nothing! Nothing at all! Heheh..."

"Is it (Y/N)?"


"Talk to me."

Meanwhile, you had hopped onto the Shack's golf cart and rode towards the Corduroy's Lumber Mill. Wendy was outside, her hair tied back and stuffed into her bomber hat, which looked a little more natural now that you were used to it. She swung an ax down onto a log and split it in half with one quick motion. She looked up and rolled up the sleeves of her flannel when she saw you approaching, parking the cart a few feet away from the mill. "Hey kid! What're you doing out here? I've never seen you come out here before." she said, setting her ax down and taking off her work gloves.

"Um... can I talk to you?" you asked shyly, making sure no one else was around to hear you before you said a word. Wendy seemed to sense your nervousness and gave you a comforting smile. "Of course! You wanna come inside?" she asked, gesturing to the two story house that was situated conveniently next to the lumber mill. You nodded and you followed her into the slightly cramped Corduroy home. It was big enough for a large family, but the entire space was filled with handcrafted furniture, hunting trophies and a few broken decorations.

"Dad and my brothers are visiting my grandparents for a few weeks, so they left me to hold down the fort. You wanna chill in my room?" she asked. You nodded and followed her up the stairs. The walls were lined with school portraits of her and her three brothers throughout the years. It was kind of nice to know that Wendy had an awkward tween phase, too. She opened the door to her room. It was a little messy, with laundry on the floor and a few spray paintings on the walls (which you assumed was Robbie's handiwork). It was a cozy little room that was filled to the brim with nostalgia. It looked like a normal room, and it made you feel out of place. You tried to ignore the feeling as she gestured for you to sit on the bed next to her.

"So, what's going on with (Y/N)? Work stress? Family drama? Love trouble?" she asked. You flinched at the last part, wondering if Wendy was a psychic or if you were just that obvious. "Well, there's one thing I wanted to ask you." you said. Wendy stayed silent, which was strange. Normally she was the one venting to you, but you had swapped places today. It felt unnatural, but you pushed through.

"You're right. I like someone. And... I have a feeling they might like me too?" you said.

"Ooookay? So, what's the problem?"

"I've... never been in a relationship before."

"What? Seriously? Aren't you, like, 18?"

"Yes, but... I used to live a very sheltered life. I didn't really have time for relationships or romance in general. I got my first crush when I was 14 and..." you stopped, the memories flooding back to you. It was painful to relive. Everything you went through for nothing.

"They didn't like you back?" Wendy guessed. In reality, you had your first crush on a boy who you had thought felt the same. He was your best friend for two years and you wanted to ask him out, but you knew that your parents would never allow you to start a relationship without their permission. You brought it up at dinner one night and your father refused to believe that his son was gay. You thought your mother would support you, but even she had turned on you. You ran away, hoping that you could finally ask out the boy of your dreams and live happily ever after with him. He called you disgusting and said he never wanted to see your ugly face again. "Yeah. You could say that." you said.

"Okay, so you have some bad experiences. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. You said this person likes you, right?" she said.

"I said I think they might. But even if this person does actually like me, I don't know if I can do it." you said.

"Do what? Ask them out? Treat them well? You gotta give me more info."

"... I don't know if I can... date a guy." you said, whispering the last words as if they would trigger a disaster if they were spoken too loudly. Wendy paused. Then she started laughing.

"W-what?" you asked, unsure about her strange reaction.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just, you said that as if I didn't already know you were..." she finished her sentence by lifting her hand and flicking her wrist downwards. You cocked your head to the side in confusion and mocked the gesture. "What does that mean?" you asked, repeating the hand motion a few times. She started laughing again. "Ah, you weren't kidding when you said you were sheltered. It means gay, dude." she said.

You flinched at the word, scared by the implication. "Wait, you already thought...?"

"Yeah. I saw how you were eyeing up Dipper the last few weeks. Is that who we're talking about?" she asked. Your heart started pumping and your blood rushed up to your cheeks. "Um... maybe." you said. Wendy gave you a comforting smile.

"Dipper's a great guy, (Y/N). Even if he doesn't share your feelings, he'd never be a jerk about it. And he's bi, so you've got a shot." she said. You were surprised by how calm she was about this entire situation. After the incident two years ago you never told anyone about your sexuality. The three people you thought you could trust had tossed you aside for your deformity. But here was a girl you didn't know that well, accepting you in seconds and giving you love advice.

Tears started forming in your eyes for the first time in years but you had a smile on your face.

"Woah! You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good. Thanks, Wendy."

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