Chapter 15

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"So where are you actually from?" Dipper asked you as you were walking in the town square. He had insisted that you go on a date today and Mabel had filled in for you at the gift shop. You looked up at Dipper, thinking about whether you should tell him or not. He was your boyfriend now. But how long would that really last? It had been three weeks and you had started getting thoughts like that. He was going back to school at the end of the summer and there was no way you could follow him to Harvard. You barely made it through high school and an Ivy League school felt too close to your old life.

"Do you really want to know? It's really not that interesting." you said. Dipper gripped your hand and squeezed it tight. "I have enough 'interesting' in my life. I want to know everything there is to know about you, boring or otherwise." he said. You blushed and squeezed his hand. "Beverly Hills, California. My parents always said they wanted to raise me surrounded by stars." you said.

"Okay, hold up. You said you weren't interesting." Dipper said. You chuckled. "I may have lied." you said. You stopped as you noticed something shimmering along the forest line. "Hey. Do you see something?" Dipper asked, turning his eyes towards where you were looking. You were about to walk towards it when Dipper stopped you. He knew exactly what had caught your eye and he didn't want you anywhere near it.

The old statue that was created out of Bill Cipher's three-dimensional form still stood at the edge of the forest, slowly sinking into the ground and covered with foliage. He didn't know how you saw it but he steered you away from it. That was a mystery he didn't want to uncover again. You looked at your boyfriend curiously as he pulled you away, unsure why his face had suddenly gone grim. Whatever you had seen seemed to upset him so you left it alone.

"So, what were we talking about again?" you asked, finding the silence suffocating.

"Something about you being from Beverly Hills." he said. You pinched his arm and he let out a small "ow".

"That's more than I've told anyone in years, Mason Pines. Be grateful." you said. Dipper blushed as his real name left your lips and he smiled.

"You know, I never really liked my name before. I always thought it sounded too plain. So, when Mabel called me Dipper for the first time, it stuck. It was unique and the kids at school started using it too. I was grateful to my sister for making people forget that I had a normal, dumb sounding name. But when you say it, it sounds a lot better than it did before." he said, squeezing your hand affectionately. You blushed. You hadn't even realized that you had called him Mason, but he seemed to like it.

"Can I tell you another secret, Mason?" you said, moving your hand up his arm to get closer to him as you walked. He nodded eagerly, leaning close so you could whisper it to him. You cupped your hand to one side of your mouth and whispered, "My last name isn't Ramirez."

Dipper looked at you with shock. "So you're not...?"

"No, I'm definitely related to Soos. My mother is his grandmother's stepdaughter. My mother cut her family ties after she got married so I never really knew this side of my family. It was a miracle that I found Soos when I did." you said. You hadn't shared so much about yourself in years and you wondered if you would regret it later. But the look in Mason's eyes told you that he would never tell a soul. (A/N: Dipper will be called Mason in the narration from this point on. Don't worry, everyone else still calls him Dipper and I might slip up but bear with me.)

"By the way, you don't have to make a conspiracy board about me. Stick around long enough and I might just tell you everything." you said, squeezing his arm. You really did love this man, conspiracies, weird birthmark and all. But you were afraid that saying you loved him after three weeks may scare him off. You'd seen it happen in too many cheesy dramas to let it happen to you.

You continued walking through town but your mind wandered back to the shimmer in the woods. You knew Mason had seen some strange things in the woods but you wondered what was so bad that he would wordlessly drag you away from it. But you shrugged and figured that he would tell you in due time. You had another month and a half of summer left.

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