Chapter 19

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Stan and Ford were hard at work down in the lab, which Soos had finally shown you. It was beautiful. A laboratory full of oddities, some that Mason had told you about and others were completely unknown. 30 years of research into anomalies, mutations and just weird stuff. It was fascinating. To think all of these things were hiding in the shadows for longer than you had even been alive was mind blowing. But you weren't brought down here to look at everything.

You were currently facing a restrained Stan Pines. He looked exhausted, but he refused to fall asleep. Mason was at your side, holding your hand as per usual. He had gotten a lot more touchy since the previous night, showing you a lot more affection. He'd had a dopey grin on his face when you woke up and it made your heart skip a beat. But now, your heart was racing for a very different reason.

"No. No way. There's got to be another solution." Mason said, pulling you behind him as he stood between you and his Grunkle Ford. "I don't like it either, Dipper, but we have no choice. Bill has already attached himself to (Y/N) and is likely to do it again. We need to see Bill enter his mind to understand how he's doing it. We can encrypt Stan's mind to keep him locked in, but the machine was programmed to keep Bill out at full power. If he's using different methods than he used to, the encryption won't work." Ford explained. Mason opened his mouth to argue but you squeezed his hand.

"It's okay. If doing this will help keep that thing in check for good, I'll do it." you said. Mason wanted to argue but he couldn't bring himself to. If this was something you wanted to do, there was no way he could stop you.

"Okay, but I'm going to be right here next to you. If anything goes wrong I'm going to follow him in there." You blinked and tilted your head to the side. "Wait, you can do that?" you asked.

"Yeah. I followed him into Stan's mind. That was my first encounter with Bill. By the way, it's imperative to know that Bill is not the only all-powerful being in there. It's your mind and you can do anything that you can imagine in there. Remember that." he said, squeezing your hand. You could tell he was concerned and you wanted to kiss him and tell him everything was going to be okay. However, there were some onlookers that made you feel a little uncomfortable doing so.

"I'll be okay. My mind is a lot stronger than you think, Mason." you said, stroking his cheek to try and calm him down. His cheeks were covered in stubble that he hadn't had the time to shave this morning. You always thought it was cute that he was so proud of the wisps on his chin and you tried to keep your mind from wandering. This was a serious situation and you had to treat it as such.

"Okay. I'm ready." you said, releasing Mason's hand and plopping down in the chair that sat opposite Stan.

"Excellent!" Ford exclaimed and released Stan from his restraints, leaning the slab back so he could lay down and fall asleep. He raced around the room, hooking you up to all sorts of wires, monitors and finally attaching a complex head set with Mason's help. "Now, we wait." Ford said, sitting at the far end of the room to observe the procedure. Mason sat at your side and took your hand again. You closed your eyes, unsure if you had to be asleep for this to work. Mason's fingers lacing in yours calmed your nerves and you relaxed into the seat. The room seemed to shift and you opened your eyes, finding yourself in the same room. Mason and Ford were gone.

Stan sat up and his eyes shone a bright yellow. "Hey, kiddo. Glad to see you again. Have you thought about my offer?" he asked.

"I have. I've also heard about you from some of your references. You have some glowing reviews, Cipher." you said. You wanted to stall him. Keep him in your mind as long as possible. You didn't know if he had the power to read your thoughts, but you hoped you could keep him there long enough.

"I've made a lot of deals with a lot of people over the centuries. It's not my fault that they weren't happy with the results."

"Of course not. It must be awful to be so misunderstood." you said. Bill turned a suspicious eye towards you. He looked a lot more like Stan that way.


"I mean, like you said, it's not your fault that they weren't happy with your deals. They didn't read the fine print. You put so much work into those contracts and they just skip to the signature." you said.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I do everything for these humans and all I ask for is total world domination. Is that really such a deal breaker?" he said. You smirked. You knew exactly how to deal with prideful, egotistical assholes like him.

"It's really not. Life is about survival of the fittest. Kill or be killed. Just because you're an all powerful demon from a different plain of existence doesn't mean you're a bad guy." you said.

"That's exactly right! It's not my fault you humans are so weak. Your species can barely live to a hundred where I've been around for millenia. I'm infinitely wiser and will outlive all of humani- Ow!"

An electric shock ran up his body, blue lightning surrounding him.

"What was that?!" he shouted, face turning red with rage and his eyes glazing black.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I don't know what Ford hooked me up to."

He started laughing maniacally as he finally realized what you had been doing.

"You're crafty, kiddo. Under better circumstances, we would get along splendidly."

"I'm not so sure of that. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like my boyfriend."

Another electric shock ran through him and your eyes snapped open, bringing you back into the room. Stan was still asleep and Ford was typing frantically. Mason was taking his own notes before he looked up at you. Mason pulled your head down and you caught a glimpse of a limp isosceles being pulled back into Stan's mind by a translucent chain around his leg. The creature reached out to you desperately before disappearing into Stan's mind once more.

"How long was I in there?" you asked. Mason stopped a timer in his lap and showed it to you. A two minute conversation had taken three hours. And Mason had held your hand the whole time.

"So, how'd I do?"

"You were perfect! We should have enough information to keep Bill trapped for a long time. It might take a day or two to reprogram the old girl, but Bill should be weakened from the little shock I gave him." Ford said.

"And in the mean time I can keep an eye on you at night." Mason added. You blushed, hearing the implication in his statement. He would be sleeping in your room until Bill was taken care of.

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