Chapter 21

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Bill hadn't given you anymore nightly visits since Ford's experiment, but that didn't stop Mason from sleeping in your bed with you. There was no pressure or expectations, just snuggles. You were starting to get the urge to tell him that you loved him, but you still thought it was too soon.

You were manning the gift shop when Wendy walked in. "Hey there, lovebird. How's it going with your new boyfriend?" she asked, messing up your hair affectionately. "I don't know. How's it going with your old boyfriend?" you asked.

"Oh man, you have no idea how mad at him I am. He thought it would be romantic to graffiti my name into the side of the lumber mill. Like, are we still 14? I want to wine and dine, not commit petty crimes." she said. She started rambling and you checked your list to find this was the twenty-third time Robbie had spray painted Wendy's name onto a building. You wondered if you would be just as mad if Mason did something like that for you.

"Hey, Wendy?"


"Do you... love Robbie?" you asked. Wendy looked at you curiously. "Of course I do. I mean, we make up and break up a lot, but I wouldn't have given him this many chances if I didn't think that eventually he would get his act together."

"Have you told him?"

Wendy paused before her eyes widened. "Are you thinking about taking the next step with Dipper? The L word is a very powerful thing, you know. No turning back after he knows."

"That's what I'm afraid of. What if something goes wrong later? What if we can't make long distance work? What if he finds someone new when he goes back to school? What if he-"

"Dude, chill. Dipper is head over heels for you. You've been the only thing he's been able to talk about for weeks, man. And he's not exactly the summer fling type. He's in it for the long haul." Wendy said. You thought about it for a moment. "But-"

"Nuh-uh! No buts or ifs. If you want to tell him, just tell him. Even though he might not calm down for a few weeks."

"Tell who what?" Mabel asked as she entered the gift shop. You flinched at her entrance. "Mabel, you gotta stop doing that. You're going to give me a heart attack." you said.

"But what were you talking about? Gasp! Is it about my bro bro? I promise I won't tell." she said. (A/N: She literally said the word "Gasp")

"Yeah, neither of us trust that, Mabel. You gotta take a blood oath." Wendy said with an evil glint in her eyes. Mabel grabbed a pocket knife from one of the shelves and flipped it open, holding the blade to her palm with no hesitation.

"Woah! Slow down. No blood oaths in the gift shop, please." you said, wanting to stop her but slightly afraid to approach her while she was holding a sharp object. You'd seen a lot of scary things lately, but Mabel with a feral look in her eyes and a knife was near the top of your list.

"Mabel, can you just remind (Y/N) how whipped your brother is?" Wendy asked. Mabel put the knife down and pulled out her phone at the speed of light. "Text or talk?" she asked.

"Talk. Dipper's voice is hilarious." Wendy answered. Mabel smiled and clicked a button on her phone that started playing a shaky, muffled recording.

"I don't know, Mabel. I've never felt this strongly about anyone before. I've never been the flirty type, but it's different with him. I want to see him all the time. I really don't want summer to end."

The recording stopped and your face was as red as a tomato. "M-mason said that?" you asked. Mabel's eyes went wide and a grin spread across her face. "I'm sorry, did you just call him Mason?" she asked.

"Woah. I didn't even notice. Never heard anyone call him that before." Wendy chimed in. You scratched your head nervously. "Y-yeah. He said that he likes it when I say his name."

"Wow. Didn't need that much info, (Y/N)." Wendy said with a wink.

"N-no! It wasn't like that!" you defended.

"But they've totally done it. They've been sleeping in the same room for a while." Mabel countered. Mabel and Wendy started gossiping and you tuned the both of them out. Your phone buzzed and you ignored it, deciding that you should count the till before the next wave of tourists flooded in.

"You should check that, kid. Might be important." a voice whispered in your ear. It sounded like Stan's voice and a chill ran down your spine when you looked up to see Wendy and Mabel still gossiping, but the Grunkles were nowhere to be seen. You hesitantly reached into your pocket and turned your screen on, reading the notification. Your eyes went wide and your hands started to shake.

Message from Father:

You're out of time. I'll be sending someone to pick you up. I'll make sure the police are notified if you don't come back by the end of August

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