Chapter 16

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You fell asleep as soon as you hit the pillow after an especially long night shift at Greasy's. Apparently it was "Summerween" so everyone was busy running around like decapitated chickens. Mabel and Mason had gone out in matching costumes and Mason seemed disappointed that you couldn't go out with them. Mabel had even made a third matching costume for you. But, as per usual, you were busy.

You let your mind go blank as you wrapped up in your sheets, but you were awoken by a strange voice. Your eyes were stubbornly closed but you heard the voice muttering about time, space and the multiverse. The muttering grew louder and louder until you recognized the voice. It sounded a lot like Stan Pines but slightly off. Almost as if three or four Stan's were talking all at once in different tones.

You opened your eyes to find yourself surrounded by stars. You were laying down on a floating, translucent platform that seemed to faintly glow. There were several of these platforms in different shapes and sizes and a large platform where you saw the former Man of Mystery playing a game of chess by himself. You instantly realized that this was some sort of dream because Stan Pines would NEVER willingly play chess. You were curious where this dream was going so you stood up and started walking towards the platforms that you thought would act like steps.

You were slightly off. The "steps" started rotating as if they were floating away the second you put weight on them. You struggled to get up to the top platform, jumping quickly from shape to shape, but you just barely made it to the top. You dusted yourself off and looked at Stan who was now looking at you with an oddly calm smile. It reminded you of the smile your father used at business meetings when he knew he was going to be ruining someone's life.

"Hey, kid. Sit down." Stan said, snapping his fingers. A chair slid across the platform, although you were almost certain there was no chair there before. You sat down on the other side of the chess board, which you now realized was a lot more complicated than you had thought before. It was in the shape of a hexagon and had three levels, with what looked like hundreds of pieces. "You like chess? Or should I take out a game you'd be more interested in?" he asked. He snapped his fingers again and the chess of death disappeared, replaced by a simple board game with the word "Life" sprawled across it.

You looked up at Stan in confusion but you noticed his eyes were different behind his thick glasses. They were more almond-shaped now and his sclera had turned a pale yellow color. His pupils looked slanted like a cat that was getting ready to pounce. "Out of all the games you could have chosen, why do you think Life would interest me?" you asked, playing along with the dream. It felt like a lucid dream, which you had never tried before, so you were curious to see how it proceeded.

The being that looked like Stan lifted the lid off of the game and the board sprang to life (no pun intended), unfolding itself as the pieces floated to their starting positions. "Take a closer look." he said. You looked at the different spaces and saw they didn't have the obstacles you were used to. One said, "You share a secret with your parents and they send you away. Pay $50,000." Another said, "You go to live with a distant relative. Draw a house card or pay $10,000 to go back to school." You kept looking at all of the spaces and each and every one of them had something to do with your life.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Stan said. You looked up at him with a confused expression. "What is this?" you asked.

"This is your life, kid. The path you take with the spin of a wheel. Seems unfair, doesn't it? That something as simple as a number decides whether you reach success or fall into utter failure. I, personally, like to land on whichever space I want." he said. He smacked the wheel off of the board and moved his piece to a space that you didn't have time to read before he set it down on top. The money in the bank all floated to his side of the board.

"I don't think that's quite how it works." you said, crossing your arms. His dry lips curled into a wicked grin. "What if I told you that I could give you that choice? No more random outcomes, no more doubt, you'd have complete control over your life." he said. He took your piece and moved it forward to the middle of the board, stopping on a space that said, "You follow your boyfriend to Harvard and start the rest of your life with him. Collect $200,000 and add a kid to your car." Your eyes widened and you looked at Stan with a sliver of hope before you saw his eyes again. This wasn't Stan. You didn't know much about your boyfriend's Gruncle, but you knew he wasn't this nice. This seemed less and less like a dream by the second.

"And what exactly would I have to give up?" you asked. The thing smiled. "All I'd ask for in return is a small favor. So, do we have a deal?" It asked. It held out Stan's hand and the hand was suddenly engulfed in blue flames. His eyes started to glow. You reached your hand out and grabbed his hand...

You gripped his palm and slammed it down onto the table, the board game completely disappearing before your eyes. "You really didn't do your research, did you? Do you think I would accept a deal like that? A tempting offer that's too good to be true in return for a vague favor that could be anything from giving you a dollar to working as your slave for the rest of my life? Sorry, buddy, but I've watched too many lives get ruined for the false promise of fame and fortune to even consider accepting this deal with the devil." you said, letting go of his hand and standing up. You started to walk away when you felt your legs become heavy as lead.

"I'm not the devil, kiddo." It said, getting up from the chair it was lounging in to walk around your stiff body, observing you analytically. "Then what are you?"

"Didn't your boyfriend tell you? Or did Pine Tree keep me a secret?" he asked. You struggled to move but you looked down at your body that was slowly turning to stone. "How about this? Accept my deal or you'll be trapped in your own mind for the rest of eternity. Sound fair?" he asked.

"If this is my mind then you are in for a world of hurt." you said. You tried to will the stone away and you looked down to see that it worked. This truly was your mind. And whatever this thing was, you wanted it out. You pointed your finger at Stan and held your thumb up, muttering the word bang as you pantomimed shooting a gun. A bullet of pure light shot out from the tip of your finger and left a small hole right between Stan's eyes.


A voice resonated from the back of your mind. It started as a whisper and slowly grew to a shout.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!!"

"Well, that's my cue to get out of here, squirt. Get ready for doomsday because Bill Cipher is back in Gravity Falls." it said.

Your eyes fluttered open, waking up from the dream to see Mason's concerned expression. The grass was cold beneath you and Mason's arms were wrapped around your shoulders. "There you are." he said, tears trickling down his cheeks as he smiled with relief, hugging you tightly. "Where am I?" you asked. Mason looked behind you and you followed his gaze, finding a withered, stone statue of a pyramid with a single eye. A bow tie sat below the eye and a top hat settled itself at the top point. It had thin arms and legs that looked like whatever it was had been in pain. The eye looked just like Stan's eyes had in your dream.

"Bill's back, isn't he?"

Stars In His Eyes (Gravity Falls Dipper X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now