Chapter 23

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You showed the text to Mason and you saw a flicker of something you'd never seen in his eyes. Anger? Hatred? Whatever it was, you knew it wasn't a happy look. "Why would your dad send you this?" he asked. You took a deep breath, wondering if you really should tell him. Would he hate you for keeping it from him? Or would he just hold you in his arms and tell you everything was alright?

"Can I tell you something completely unrelated first?" you asked. Mason looked confused but nodded. You adjusted yourself on the couch you were both sitting on and looked into his eyes. You took another deep breath and took his hand in yours. You didn't know when you had become so obsessed with holding hands, but it really did feel nice. Safe. Warm.

"I love you." you said. Mason froze, his hand gripping yours a little tighter as his cheeks flushed.

"I-I'm sorry, what d-did you say?" Mason asked. You smiled and you resisted the urge to gush over your dorky boyfriend. "I said that I love you, Mason. You don't have to say it back but I-"

Mason interrupted you with a kiss, his lips crashing into yours. There were too many emotions running around in his head and all he wanted to do was kiss you and pour all of his thoughts and feelings into that long, passionate kiss. You both pulled apart for air and Mason smiled when he saw your cheeks were just as flushed as his. "I love you too, (Y/N)." he said. It was simple, but you could tell his heart was racing. He wanted to say more, but he didn't want to ruin the moment.

"Do you really mean that?" you asked. Mason saw the flicker of doubt in your eyes and immediately pulled out his phone. "The code is AB1C3. Open it." he said, handing the phone to you. You took the phone and entered the pass code, your heart skipping a beat when it opened. Something about knowing the pass code to your boyfriend's phone made you feel so much closer to him. You were confused when you saw listings for apartments.

"What is this?" you asked.

"Harvard pays for all of my amenities while I'm attending classes there, but I have a lot of money saved up from working for Grunkle Ford and some lab assistant work in my first year, so I was thinking of getting an apartment near the school. And I was... kind of hoping you would come with me." he said with a cautious grin. Your eyes widened and your brain stopped functioning for a moment.

"I know it seems super fast but... I really think this will work. I'm not asking you to elope with me, but I don't think I can be away from you for that long." he said. A rush of adrenaline surged through you as you kissed him again, pulling him closer as you savored the warmth of his soft lips against yours. The way his stubble tickled your chin as he tilted his head. You leaned back and let him kiss you as long as he wanted, your hands traveling up to his messy curls and letting his hat tumble to the floor.

He was lost in your lips when he suddenly pulled away. "You still haven't answered my question." he said. You blinked, having completely forgotten about the earlier subject matter. All you wanted to do was make out with your boyfriend but you knew you had to talk about this sooner or later.

"I'm a run away. I've been hiding here with Soos because I thought my father would never look here. I don't know how he found me, but I don't want to go back." you said. Mason wrapped his arms around you and you snuggled into his chest. "You're not gonna ask why?" you asked. You expected to have this long, heartfelt conversation where you would cry your eyes out while he patted your head. "You've cried enough today. Besides, you know I like a little mystery." he said. You melted into his arms and pecked his lips again.

Mason loved you and you weren't going to lose him. Even if it meant fighting against the man you feared more than anyone. No one could tear you away from Mason now. "But there is one mystery I don't think I can solve." he said. You looked up at him with a smile. You knew he would ask you something. Nothing could quell his curiosity.

"Why were you sleeping in the closet? I heard you snoring." he said.

"Oh! Bill thought he could make a deal with me while I was vulnerable, but he was wrong." you said.

"Bill visited you again?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because nothing happened. I think he was weaker, too. He seemed more desperate. Like he would say or do anything to make a deal with me." you said. You felt his arms grip you tighter and smiled. You liked it when he acted protective.

"I love you, Mason."

"I love you too."

A/N: You may have noticed that my chapters have been getting shorter. That, my friends, is because this book is slowly coming to an end. Don't worry, this isn't the last chapter, but it is coming soon. Now I shall insert a small bit of shameless self promotion and say, "If you want more stories like this, check out my profile! There are a lot of unfinished projects, but don't let that stop you from giving them a chance. The more views they get, the more I want to update!" Also, let me know which character I should write an x male! reader for next. See you in the next one!

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