Chapter 9

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"So what's up, Dippingsauce?" Mabel asked as the twins sat on their respective beds in the attic. Dipper thought it would be awkward sharing a room with his sister again after so long, but it wasn't. It was just like old times. "Well, you were right, Mabel." he said. Mabel's eyes lit up with excitement. "YOU FINALLY ADMIT THAT STICKERS HAVE BEEN THE BACKBONE OF MANY GREAT CIVILIZATIONS THROUGHOUT HISTORY!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"What? No!" Dipper sighed, "I meant about (Y/N). I like him."

Mabel's mouth hung open for a moment before she took a deep breath in and started squealing at the top of her lungs. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygooooosssshhhhh!!!! I'm so happy for you, Dipper!!!" she said, attacking her brother with a hug. Dipper struggled against her vice grip and couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not my first crush, Mabel. But I don't really know if I should go for it just yet." he said. Mabel hopped off of him and sat next to him, staring straight into his very soul.

"Why not? (Y/N) is totally hot, extremely dateable and way out of your league!"


"But he likes you anyway!! You guys even linked arms!"

"I should've never told you that."

"But you DID! He obviously likes you too, Dipper. So what's the hold up?"

Dipper rubbed his tattooed arm thoughtfully. Stan had taken him to a tattoo parlor for his 18th birthday and Dipper had gotten the zodiac that was supposed to be used to defeat Bill Cipher, along with a few symbols and ciphers he had come across since weirdmageddon. It always reminded him of the summer where he was told to trust no one.

"I barely know anything about him, Mabel. I know he came to Gravity Falls two years ago, saying that he was Soos's distant cousin. I know that he's antisocial and a hard worker. I also know that he feels a lot of pressure to be perfect and I wish I could tell him that he already is." he said. He flopped back onto his mattress in frustration, glaring at his old conspiracy board. He was starting to wonder if he should make a conspiracy board about you.

"Dipper. Do you know what dating is?" Mabel asked, her tone changing.

"I'm very aware, Mabel."

"Dating," she started, completely ignoring him, "Is a process in which you get to know someone by going on dates. You don't have to know everything about him to ask him out. If he wants to open up to you, he will. But would you rather wait for him to open up to you and risk the chance of losing him to a way more attractive competitor, or do you want to get to know him while calling him your boyfriend?"

Dipper pondered this for a moment. He couldn't say she was wrong. The whole purpose of dating was so two people who were physically attracted to each other could test their mental and emotional compatibility before getting married. The whole point was to get to know each other in an intimate setting. He blushed as the word "intimate" popped into his head. But did he want to risk it? Things had ended well when Wendy rejected him all those years ago, but he had faced much more gruesome rejections since then. He wondered, if Mabel was wrong about your feelings towards him, what category you would fall under. Would you let him down gently and continue being his friend, or would you never want to speak to him again? Did he want to find out?

"I swear, if you're wondering how he'll reject you I won't hesitate to punch you in the face." Mabel threatened. Dipper sat up in bed quickly, remembering the last time Mabel had punched him and not wanting to relive it. "Okay, okay. You have a point, but I don't even know his sexuality. If he's straight I'm doomed." Dipper said. Mabel gave him a knowing look.

"Dipper, your gaydar may be broken but mine still works. If (Y/N) is straight, then my favorite color is black." she said.

"But you can't just assume things like that, Mabel. Gay or straight, he would probably get super offended if I just assumed he was into guys. And what if he's in the closet?"

"Then he's really bad at hiding. The way he checks you out when you're back is turned is enough proof for me."

"You keep on telling me he does but I have seen no physical proof that he's actually doing that."

Mabel smiled mischievously. "Are you asking me to get pictures? Cause I can do that." she said, clasping her fingers together and showing Dipper an evil grin. Those braces did wonders for her and she looked like the villain in a B movie. "Would I be able to stop you?" he asked. Mabel shook her head. And so it was settled. If Mabel could get physical evidence of your supposed attraction to Dipper, then he might consider the possibility of officially asking you out.


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