Chapter 13

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Dipper and Mabel woke up to the sound of a girlish squeal coming from downstairs. They both jumped out of bed, the noise worrying them, and frantically pulled on their clothes. Mabel slipped into her sweater, leaving her pajama pants on and pulling on her flats. Dipper simply put his hat on, not caring that he only had a shirt and boxers on, and the two of them rushed down the hall to investigate.

Mabel ran down the stairs but Dipper stopped when he noticed you stepping out of your room. You were rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and grumbling, wearing a pair of plaid pajama pants and a baggy T-shirt from a Sev'ral Timez concert. Your hair was really messy and you looked like you were still half asleep. "G-good morning." Dipper said, completely forgetting about the sound from earlier as he admired you. You seemed to finally wake up as you realized he was there. "G-good morning. W-what's up?" you asked, a light blush coating your cheeks. Dipper suddenly remembered the sound and he seemed to regain focus.

"Mabel and I heard something that sounded like a scream." Dipper said. You raised an eyebrow at him before you realized what he was talking about.

"Oh! That squeak that woke up the whole house?" you asked. Dipper nodded.

"That's just-"

"DIPPER! GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Mabel shouted from downstairs. Dipper rushed down the stairs to his sister's rescue, assuming a monster had gotten into the Shack or his sister had finally just gone insane. He was surprised to see a friendly face at the door. Two faces, in fact. Stand and Ford Pines stood at the front door and had been attacked by Mabel and Soos (the source of the scream).

"Get over here, kiddo." Stan said, gesturing for his nephew to join the group hug. Dipper happily joined as the family reunited. You followed Dipper down the stairs and saw the two elders who had suddenly appeared exchanging hugs and noogies with everyone. You tried to sneak past but Stan noticed you before you could slip out of sight.

"Who's the runt?" Stan asked. (A/N: I firmly believe that Stan would call you a runt despite your actual height so just go with it.)

"Stanley. Where are your manners?" Ford asked.

"Lost at sea." he responded. Ford sighed at his brother and turned to you, holding out his hand. You noticed his six fingered hand and blinked in surprise. "My name is Stanford Pines and this is my brother, Stanley. What's your name?" he asked. You felt like something was off about this guy, but not in a bad way. You took his hand and shook it. "(Y/N) Ramirez. I'm Jesus's relative. It's nice to finally meet the both of you." you said, putting on your best polite smile. You wished you were better dressed, but you hadn't even had breakfast yet.

"And Dipper's boyfriend!" Mabel piped up. It had been a little over a week since you had started dating but it was the first time someone had called you his boyfriend. The two of you blushed and Soos looked at the both of you with surprise.

"Is this true, Dipper?" Stan asked with a stern expression, his arms crossed. You gave Dipper a concerned expression, mentally cursing Mabel for saying anything. Dipper confidently nodded towards his Grunkle. "Yes. I-it's a recent development, so go easy on him." Dipper said. Stan's stoic face turned into a large grin as he put his nephew in a headlock and messed up his hat. "Good job, kid. I knew you had it in ya." he said. You sighed in relief. At least Dipper's family didn't have a problem with the two of you.

"Okay, breakfast is on me. Everyone get dressed and we'll go have a proper reunion." Ford said. Soos rushed into his room and Mabel crawled up the stairs while the senior Pines twins waited outside. Dipper was about to go upstairs when he noticed you going into the kitchen. He followed you and noticed that you were about to cook breakfast.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)? Ford already said that he'll get breakfast." he said. You looked at him with a confused expression. "Yeah, but I didn't think that included me." you said.

"Why wouldn't it?"

"Well... he said it was a reunion. I've never met them before so I'd just be in the way." you said, turning towards the stove. You were about to turn the heat on when Dipper reached to grab your hand, stopping you. His other hand wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into a hug. "You're not in the way, (Y/N). Promise. I'm sure my Grunkles would be happy to let you tag along." he said. You blushed as you felt his chest rising and falling against your back. You had tried not to notice that he was only wearing underwear and a t shirt but you were painfully aware of it now. He set his chin on your shoulder and his wispy facial hair tickled your neck. Sure, the week since you had started dating had been full of awkward moments where you both just blushed and stared at each other, but you relished the few times he showed you physical affection. Holding your hand while walking you to work, cuddling with you while sitting on the couch in your room, and now hugging you from behind while you were trying to cook.

"It's fine, Dipper. I have a morning shift at Greasy's in a few hours. You go have fun." you said, turning to face him. Dipper scowled, unsatisfied with your response. You knew he wouldn't give up, so you tried something you hadn't dared to do just yet. You leaned up and pecked his lips. Dipper was absolutely stunned and his grip loosened as you pulled away. Both of your faces were bright red.

You couldn't quite read the expression on his face until he turned you around and pressed his lips against yours again, his hand finding its way to the back of your neck. You melted against him as his other hand rested on the small of your back, your fingers lacing into his hair and pulling him closer. His tongue darted across your bottom lip and-

"BRO WHAT ARE YOU- ohhhhhhh." Mabel said as she turned into the kitchen. You both pulled away from each other, awkwardly turning away as if nothing had happened. "Sorry. I was just-"

"You don't have to explain. I'm pretty sure I can guess." she winked, leaving you alone in the kitchen again.

"I'm gonna..."

"Yeah, have fun."

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