Chapter 17

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"What do you mean he's back?!" Mabel shouted. Ford immediately pinned his brother down to the ground, pulling his hands behind his back.

"Ow! What gives?!"

"I thought you said that he was under control!"

"He's trapped in my mind, Fordsy. What do you want me to do? Get a matching metal plate in my head?"

"If he's trapped in your mind then how did he get to (Y/N)?"

"STOP!!!" you shouted. You hadn't spoken that loudly in years. The Pines family (Soos included) all looked at you. Mason was squeezing your hand a lot tighter than usual. You could tell he was concerned, but you needed to make one thing clear.

"I'll tell you what happened in the dream if you tell me who he is." you said, directing the statement towards Mason. You didn't know if you could trust whatever Bill was, but he had said that Mason knew about him. And you knew, out of all the people in this Shack, you trusted your boyfriend the most. Mason sighed, trying to relieve the anxiety of the situation by taking deep breaths. They weren't working.

"The real reason why our Grunkles are here is because of something we did six years ago. Bill Cipher was a powerful dream demon who lived in a place called the Nightmare Realm. A rift was torn in space time and Bill was released into our world, starting an event that the town called Weirdmaggedon. We were only able to defeat Bill by letting him enter Stan's mind and erasing his memory. When Stan's memory came back, so did Bill."

Ford took over from there.

"Bill lost a large amount of his power once he was disconnected from the Nightmare Realm. He's been slowly regaining that power from the inside of Stanley's mind. We've been able to keep him at bay so far, but Stan's getting old. His mind is not as strong as it used to be."

"Hey! You're the same age as me, geezer."

"We came back so I could access my old lab to try and find some way to either keep Bill at bay or get rid of him for good, but he's been trapped in Stan's mind until now. He hasn't been able to travel through the mindscape for sometime. If he can convince someone to make a deal with him, he not only could escape Stan's mind but also reclaim his physical form." Ford finished.

You took a moment to process all of this before you moved your hand away from Mason's. "Okay. Great. A demon got into my mind and saw my deepest, darkest secerets. Wonderful." you said, sarcasm and fear lacing into your muttering.

"What did he say to you? Did you make a deal with him? What-" Ford started to interrogate you but Mason held up his hand to stop him. His fingers interlocked with yours gently and he gave you an empathetic look. "Tell us what you can, but only if you're ready." he said. You smiled and felt tears welling in your eyes. You really wanted to kiss him but you didn't think now was the best time.

You squeezed his hand and started describing the dream in as much detail as you could (leaving out a few more personal details). Soos was listening to the entire story like it was a soap opera but the Pines family listened thoughtfully. You had never seen Mabel with a serious expression before and it scared you even more than you already were.

"You said he appeared to you as Stanley?" Ford asked. You nodded.

"This is good." Ford said.

"How is Bill bodysnatching Grunkle Stan a good thing?" Mabel asked.

"Bill normally appears as himself or someone that you trust. If he knew (Y/N) was distrusting he might have appeared to him as a trusted family member or a partner," Ford pointedly looked at Mason when he said the word partner and you shivered. Imagining Mason talking to you like that, even in a dream, was terrifying. "Instead he appeared as Stanley, someone that (Y/N) has no reason to trust,"

"I'd object to that sentiment, but it's true. I wouldn't put 'trustworthy' on my resume." Stan added.

"So if Bill truly did appear as Stan, it means that he is still relying on Stan's mind to keep himself alive. He even chose a victim who was in close range of Stan at the time of the incident."

"But what about the sleepwalking?" Mason asked, squeezing your hand protectively. While you were asleep, you had walked all the way out towards the town square and into the forest where Bill's physical form had been tossed and forgotten. Mason had heard you get out of bed and followed you when you hadn't responded to his voice.

"My guess is that once he knew that his usual deal making wasn't going to work he tried to possess (Y/N). He might've hoped that if he could get close enough to his old body, he could repossess it." Ford explained.

"Is that a possibility?" Mabel asked.

"I'm afraid it is. But without the power of the Nightmare Realm, he would have to feed off of other people's minds to regain his abilities. The outcome would be even more severe than Weirdmaggedon."

"Then what do we do?" Soos asked

"We can always erase my memories again. Who needs memories when you're as old as I am, right?" Stan suggested.

"Well, whatever we do, we have to do it before Bill finds another victim. We got lucky that (Y/N) was so resistant to Bill's usual tricks. You have a strong will (Y/N)." Ford said, finally talking to you instead of referring to you as if you weren't there. You nodded, not really knowing how to respond. Ford squinted his eyes suspiciously, as if he knew you were hiding something, and then stood up. "Alright. Stanley and I will go back to the lab. Neither of us will get any rest until we find a solution. Until then, keep your eyes peeled, Dipper." he said. They both nodded at each other and then the elder twins left the room. Soos went to bed and Mabel wandered out of the room sleepily, leaving you and Mason alone at the dining table.

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