Chapter 11

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"Still nothing?" Dipper asked his pouty sibling. Mabel's pout got even poutier and she nodded. "I don't know what happened! It's like he knows when I have my camera out or something." Mabel said. Dipper tried not to point out that she was pretty obvious with her bright pink Polaroid camera. "Or maybe it was in your head. You've always been a romantic and I'm glad that you want things to work out for me, but I think you're making him uncomfortable."

"He literally told me that he thought you were cute, Dipper!" Mabel blurted in frustration. Dipper blushed, turning a light shade of pink.

"Wait, when was this?" he asked.

"The night of the party."

"Wait, what exactly did he say? Like, verbatim."

"I didn't record it, Dipper, but he said it. I think I told him he was bad at hiding when he has a crush on someone and he got super defensive that it wasn't a crush, but he thought you were cute."

Dipper didn't know what to think. Just imagining that you were too shy to tell him you liked him had him blushing like crazy. "Why didn't you tell me?!" he squeaked, his voice cracking just like it used to.

"Well I wanted to see things unfold! I didn't realize I had to wait 2 years for you guys to get the message that you liked each other?" (A/N: Sorry....)

"But he said it wasn't a crush. Is he physically attracted to me? I don't know if I could-"

"Calm down, Dipper. If he just likes you for your body than he is literally the only one."


"Shush! Be yourself, Dipper. Do what feels natural. But if you don't ask him out I might actually explode."

Dipper thought about what to do next. He started making a list of steps in his head but shook away the old habit. He didn't need another Tyrone incident. He knew that right now you were working down in the gift shop and that you'd take off for your night shift at Greasy's in about four hours.

Meanwhile, you were bored out of your mind. The last tour was going through the Shack and the stragglers from before were still trying to decide what they wanted. You were always surprised how many of the people in town came to tour the Mystery Shack again and again. You knew there was always a new attraction to come see, but they were never so impressive that you'd come to see them every other day.

"Honey, please just pick one." an exasperated mother said. 

"Can I just get both, Mommy?" the child begged. The mother shook her head and the child started to cry. You were at your limit and stepped out from behind the counter, grabbing the Mystery globe that the kid was looking at. "Good news! Happy hour just started. Everything is now buy one, get one free!" you said, ringing up the globe and letting the kid hang on to the bobblehead they were clutching. The mother looked annoyed, but she paid for the globe and left. The rest of the stragglers followed suit, buying an item and taking one home for free. You had finally closed the gift shop when you noticed Dipper leaning against the door.

You avoided his eyes, unsure how to face him after what you had done last night. You hadn't thought about it during the deed, but it was extremely weird to think about a real person while doing something like that. Especially when you had to face them afterwards. You felt guilty and dirty, but you took a deep breath and met his eyes. In the time it took you to recollect yourself, Dipper had gotten much closer to you and was observing you with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked. His face was only inches from yours as he observed your expression. You felt his breath brush against your cheek and a shiver ran down your spine. His breath smelled like Pitt Cola.

You're face flushed bright red as you backed away. "I'm fine! Just fine. Gotta get ready for Greasy's!" you said, rushing past him towards the stairs. He gripped your wrist to try and stop you but you were moving too fast and you pulled him with you, sending the both of you tumbling towards the ground. You felt a dull pain in your hip and expected your head to be flooded with the same feeling, but it wasn't. You opened your eyes to see Dipper in a precarious position above you. His hand was still gripping your wrist but his other hand had caught the back of your head. His knee had found it's way between your inner thighs (thank whichever deity was watching you that fay that he didn't crush your groin) and his hat had fallen off, letting you peek at the birth mark on his forehead.

This wasn't a fantasy, but it felt like one. Both of you were breathing heavily from the sudden rush of adrenaline and blushing. Whether your faces were flushed from the shock of the fall or your proximity to each other was unclear. At least, you knew your reason was the latter. It took every ounce of willpower you had left not to reach up and find out what his lips truly felt like against yours. What felt like several minutes only lasted a few seconds as Dipper clumsily scrambled off of you. "I'M SO SORRY!! Oh my God, are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Do I need to take you to a doctor?! What should I-"

"Dipper!" you raised your voice, trying to shock him out of his mental breakdown. It seemed to work and he looked into your eyes. He looked like a puppy dog who was being left at home. Big, brown, pouty eyes that seemed to beg you for some form of comfort. You sat up, dusting yourself off. "I'm okay. Now what was so important that you had to trip over me?" you asked. Dipper bit his lip and you flinched. You couldn't tell if it was cute or sexy, but it was definitely bad for your heart.

"Do you have a minute to talk?"

Stars In His Eyes (Gravity Falls Dipper X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now