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'Hey Isa, we expect you're coming to our birthday party in the Room of Requirement ', says Noor one of the triplet girls of Ravenclaw. 'The theme is wear a mask', smiles Nhean, the sister of Noor. 'We'll see you at 8', says Nore with a smile completing het sisters. 'I'll be there girls', i chuckel and they nod excited before they run of telling other people about their party. I walk over to my next period wich is potions. I smile as i see that i'm te first and sit down at one of the tables. My smile disappeares as i see who comes sitting besides me. 'Riddle', i sis. 'Moonlight', he says in the same cold tone. I try to ignore him the entire lesson. 'Are you scared that i'm better in potions than you, Moonlight ', chuckels Riddle. 'You wish, Riddle', i say as i focus on making my potion. 'We'll see what Slughorn has to say who has the best potion, Moonlight', whispers Riddle in my ear. 'Miss Moonlight and mister Riddle as perfect as always ', smiles Slughorn when he's done checking our potions. 'See, i told you Riddle', i whisper in his ear with a smirk and he rolls his eyes.

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