13. the funeral

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Today is the day of the funeral, I dressed myself in black as good as I could with my belly. "Are you ready, doll?", Asks Tom. "I'm ready", I smile and turn around to face him. "You look beautiful as always, doll", smiles Tom. "Thank you",I smile and kiss his cheek before I waggle to the car. When we arrive at the funeral I see many people that I recognize and people I don't know. "We all came here today to say goodbye to Nora Moonlight and her father Marco Moonlight who were murdered fighting Grindlewald", starts the priest his speech. "Narco left something for his wife who's doing better now and his youngest daughter Isabelle. Can you come to the stage, miss Moonlight?", Smiles the priest. I walk to the stage with Tom, Tom is holding my hand t comfort me. "We all started this day happy, I started it with going to the doctor. My father and sister would never know that I'm expecting twins and that's something I won't forget. I hope they are in a better place ",I smile with tears in my eyes and begin sobbing in Toms shoulder. "It's alright doll", whispers Tom in my ear caressing my back.

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