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After my last lesson i walk to my room to get myself ready for the party. I take the dress i got from my mother before she fell sick. I smile at th green dress with a slit at my leg and do a pirouette before the miror to check myself. I put on a bit of makeup and then grab my mask. I take a last look in the miror at myself and smile of what i see before i run of to the party. 'Isa, you made it', smile the triplets as they say it in union.'Of course i wouldn't miss your birthdays. Happy birthdays', i smile and make my present for each of them appear. 'Oh thank you. It's just what we wanted', say the triplets in union as they see their present. 'You're welcome', i smile as i walk into the R.O.R. 'Isabelle, there you are', smiles my best friend and she hugs me. 'Hi Maya ', i smile as i hug my best friend back. 'Did you see that hot guy in the corner that is looking at you since you walked in?', giggles Maya whispering. 'He seems cute but let's dance tonight', i whisper back with a smile and begin dancing with her.

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