7. boggart

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'Okay line up and then say the spell', says Dumbledore and we line up. When it's my turn the boggart takes it's time to transform in my biggest fear and then it turns into myself with a knife in my pregnant obvious belly. 'Ridicilous', i say cold and run out of the class. I begin breathing heavely and let myself slide down on the floor with my hands in my hair. I quitly begin sobbing and hear someone coming. 'Go away', i whisper between my sobs. 'I know you have something to say to me, Isabelle ', i hear a man's voice say and i look up to see Riddle. 'What do you want, Riddle?', i sniff and wipe away my tears. 'I want to hear it form you what i already know. We're both responsible for it', says Riddle and he sits down next to me. 'You Mean that you know that i'm pregnant of your child?', i whisper softly and he nods. 'How did you know?', i ask him. 'You are weird things for breakfast ', he chuckels. 'You noticed?', i smile. 'I always noticed you, you where my rival until that party', he smiles. 'What changed?', i ask him. 'At the party, you where absolutly too beautiful to resist', says Tom as he blushes lightly. 'So you agree to keep the baby?', i smile and he nods smiling bright.

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