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"Dad, We're back home"shouts Nora. "My two little angels"smiles my father and he hugs me. "Hey! What about me dad?"chuckels Nora. "It's also nice to see you again Nora. Now who is this charming man?"smiles my father. "I'm Tom Riddle sir. I made your daughter pregnant"smiles Tom and he shakes my father his hand. "You should be more careful next time young man. You're lucky that my daughter is so kind to you"smiles my father. You hear Nora kuch softly to cover her laugh and I poke her shoulder playful. "I am indeed lucky with your daughter "nods Tom in agreement. "Good, you'll be sleeping with Isabelle because we don't have a guest room "smiles my father. "Father is setting you up. We both know that we have many guest rooms "whispers Nora giggling in my ear. "That's alright "nods Tom. "Isabelle can you lead your gentleman to your room?"smiles my father and I nod. "Folow me"I smile and lead him to my room. "You sure have a nice room, Moonlight "chuckels Tom lightly. "Thank you, you don't have to be nice now. We're alone."I say. "Still you're the mother of my child, I need to treat you with respect"says Tom.

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