11. Grindlewald

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Me and Tom are going to my monthly check-up. I'm now 3 months pregnant but I look like I'm further in my pregancy. "Miss Moonlight?" Asks the nurse and I folow her with Tom in my heels. "Make yourself comfortable"smiles the nurse and I lay down carefully. "How far along are you, miss Moonlight?"asks the nurse. "3 months"I smile and the nurse nods. "Is that the father with you?"asks the nurse and I nod. "You may check this miss Moonlight"smiles the nurse and she shows the pictures that where taken. On the pictures you see two little babies. "Congratulations you're expecting twins miss Moonlight "smiles the nurse and I look shocked at her. As we leave the hospital we stop by the supermarket for this evening's food. "Are you sure you don't have magic sperm or something?"I whisper to Tom and he chuckels. "We're just Lucky, doll"chuckels Tom and I roll my eyes playfull. He's been calling me that since we share a room. "Whatever you say"I chuckel softly. We walk to my house next to each other. Our hands brush against each other and then Tom holds my hand. I look shocked at my house when I see Grindlewald mark in the air.

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