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"I'm so happy that you said yes, doll", smiles Tom and he kisses my neck. "How couldn't I say yes?", I smile. Tom puts on the ring on my finger and kisses my hand. "You're right, your father planned everything with your sister before they died. Every little detail was written in that letter", smiles Tom. The months flash by and then the day arrives, my wedding day. "I'm so nervous", I smile nervously as Lilly, Maya, and Narcissia help me get ready. "That's normal, girl. You're pregnant and you're getting married today", smiles Lilly. "Lilly is right, Belle", smiles Narcissia and she looks proud at me. "I know but still, it doesn't happen every day that I marry at 9 months pregnant", I chuckle. "That's true but Tom loves and adores you three", smiles Maya and I nod smiling back at her. "Go get your man, like I did", smiles Lilly once everything is done and I chuckle. I walk down the aisle to Tom with a smile. "You look as beautiful as always, my doll", whispers Tom as I stand before him. "You look as handsome as always, remind me that you're extremely hot in a suit", I whisper back with a smile and he chuckles. The Priester starts with his ceremony. "Will you Tom Marvelo Riddle take Isabelle Moonlight as your wife?", asks the priester. "Yes, yes I will", smiles Tom. "Do you Isabelle Moonlight take Tom Marvelo as your powerful husband?", asks the priest. "Yes, yes I do", i smile. The Priester takes our rings lays them on our hands and then makes a bond that we're connected for life. "I now announce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride", smiles the priester and we kiss. The crowd that is invited bursts out in applause and we smile at each other. "Are you excited about what the future will bring, Miss Riddle?", smiles Tom. "I'm excited because it will be with you", i smile.

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