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'Miss Moonlight? What brings you here?', smiles the nurse. 'I want to check who the father is of my child'', i whisper to her and she nods professional. 'Are you sure you want to keep this baby, miss Moonlight? I know you're 18 but you are still a teenager ', says the nurse in concern. 'Yes, i want to keep this baby', i smile sad and she nods. She whispers a spell and looks shocked at the results.'I'm sure', i nod. She shows me the results and i look shocked at him. 'Shal i inform him or will you do that miss?', says the nurse. 'I'll do it after i send my father a letter with the news', i smile at her and she nods. 'How did it go?', asks Maya. 'It went just fine, May', i smile and she smiles back. 'And? Who's the father?', she smiles. 'I'll Tell you after i send my father a letter', i smile and go to my room to write thé letter at my desk.

Dear father,

This may come as a suprise but i wanted to Tell you that you are going to be a grandfather. I hope to hear from you soon.

Your daugther Isabelle.

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