4. one month after the party

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I run to my bathroom feeling sick and throw up in the toilet. 'Isa are you okay?', asks Maya. 'I don't know what's going on May', i sob feeling emotional. 'How long is it ago that you had your period?', asks Maya. 'About a month', i say and then it hits me. 'You need to check it'', says Maya and i nod as i make a pregancy test appear. 'Can you stay? I don't want this to do this on my own', i say shaking a bit and she nods. After five minutes i look at the test again and i cover my mouth with my hand in shock. 'I'm going to be a mother', i whisper in disbelief and a tears runs down my face. 'You're going to be a great mother, Isa. Do you know who the father is?', says Maya in concern. 'You know thé cute boy from the triplets their party?', i ask her and she nods. 'I think it's him but i don't know his name and i don't know what he looked like because i was tipsy', i whisper. 'We'll find out. Maybe we can ask the school nurse'', sugests Maya and i nod.

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