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My dear moonshine,

I'm happy that i'm going to be a grandfather but if i see the boy who knocked you up, i'll give him a piece of my mind. I hope the baby Will be healthy and that you have a smooth delivery when they're born.

All the love your father
Marco Moonlight.

'And? How did your father react?', says Maya. 'Read it for yourself ', i smile and give her the letter while i eat my breakfast. 'Oh my god, this is such a dad response but have you told the baby daddy?', she smiles. 'I haven't but i will do soon before other people start to notice even when i'm now one and an half month far and the school year is almost over', i smile and she nods. 'Tell him soon before the year is over', she smiles and i nod. 'I'll Tell him tonight', i nod and she nods again. After i finish my breakfast i go to my first lesson. D.A.D.A. 'Okay class today you'll learn how to protect yourself from a boggart', smiles professor Dumbledore. 'The boggart is in this closet and the spell is ridiculous and you need to think about something funny', expleans Dumbledore.

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