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The week goes by smoothly and now I'm already heading home. Tom would be staying over for the summer to meet my family and take care of me before he begins his job as a teacher at Hogwarts. "Isabelle? What would your father think of me?", Asks Tom insecure. "First he will give you a lecture of getting me pregnant but then he will accept it because your the father of his grandchild", I smile. "You're right", he nods. "I'm always right and you know that",I smile. "Don't think that highly of yourself Moonlight ", he chuckels. The train arrives at the station and we step out of the train. "Sis, how great to see you back"smiles my sister and she hugs me. "Good to see you too Nora",I smile. "Who do you have with you? Your boyfriend?", Smiles Nora. "I'm Tom Riddle, pleasure to meet you ", smiles Tom. "Nice to meet you Tom. Wich connection do you have with my sister?", Smiles Nora. "Well I got her pregnant ", smiles Tom. "So you're the boy who knocked her up?"smiles Nora cheecky. "Sort of", smiles Tom and we appear by our mansion. We walk inside where father is making dinner.

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