14. XL

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"Miss Moonlight? Your father left you this", says the priest and he gives me a necklace. "Thank you", I smile and take the necklace. "Mister Riddle, Mister Moonlight left you this", says the priest and he gives Tom an envelope. "Thank you", I smile politely and he nods before he walks away. "Do you want to go home, my doll?", asks Tom and I nod. We walk to his car and ride back home. I open the door and walk inside. "Doll?", whispers Tom and I turn around to see him on one knee. "Isabelle Victoria Moonlight, the mother of my beautiful children. Will you marry me?", smiles Tom nervous. "Yes, I would love to marry you", I smile with happy tears and kiss him. "I never expected that I would ask for your hand right now, our younger selves would call us crazy", smiles Tom happy. "They would", I chuckle.


I'm sitting on the train with Maya, it's our third year and we're excited to see what the new year holds. "Did you see James Potter? He looked extra handsome today", sighs Maya lovesick. "He's not handsome, eww. He's like my cousin Maya", I tell her. "If I would marry him we would be nieces", sighs Maya dreamily. "Is she alright?", asks a female voice that I recognize as Lily's. "She's just dreaming about James, I don't know what he sees in him because he has a big ass crush on you", I tell Lilly with a smile. "Ugh, he's like a puppy. Why won't he get it?", sighs Lilly, and she sits across me. "Boys are boys and always will be boys, Lilly", I smile. "You're right", nods Lilly. "I'll see you later, my boyfriend is waiting for me", I smile and get up. I walk to my boyfriend's compartment and open it. What I see there shocks me. "How could you?", I shout with teary eyes as I see him kissing with one of my friends. "I'm just better Isabelle, accept that", says Louise arogant. The lights begin flickering and then they catch fire before i walk away. "Watch where you're going!", says a irritated voice that goes by the name Tom Riddle. "I'm sorry that you have no friends", i spat and walk away.

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