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'I'm going to take care of you and our little one', he smiles and lays his hand on my growing belly. 'Are you sure Tom? Doesn't it ruin your career?', i whisper to him. 'It won't, i'll make sure that nobody hurts you or our baby. Tell me when something is wrong', smiles Tom looking at me like a puppy. 'I will', i smile and he smiles back. 'You should check up by the nurse and i'll tell the teachers that you're sick, you need your rest', he smiles and kisses my forehead and belly leaving me speechless. I go to the nurse office and the nurse smiles. 'Are you here for your daily check-up like mister Riddle requested?', smiles the nurse and i nod my head.  'Please lay down carefully',smiles the nurse and i lay down carefully on the hospital bed. 'This may feel cold but it Will show your baby. Do you like to  have the photo's?', smiles the nurse and i nod. 'Yes, gladly, it Will be a great memory ', i smile and she nods. 'Here is your baby ', she smiles and shows me a little baby, you can see the baby moving and i smile. 'The photo's Will be ready in a few minutes. Be carefull and rest till the end of the school year, it's only one week ', smiles the nurse and she hands me the photo's.

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