16. Epilogue

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"Honey?", I shout as I wake up feeling something dripping between my legs. "Yes, my doll?", asks Tom now fully awake. "I think my water broke", I whisper to him, he nods and carries me in bridal style to the car. "Hold on, my doll. Don't be too rough on your mommy guys", smiles Tom as he talks to my belly and races to the hospital. "Can anyone help us? My wife is in labor", shouts Tom as we rush into the hospital. After a few hours of tears and sweat, I lay tired in the hospital bed. "You did a great job, doll", smiles Tom as he kisses my cheek. "Thank you", I said exhausted from giving birth to twins. "Congratulations, miss and Mister Riddle", smiles the nurse as she hands our babies. "How would you like to name them, my doll?", smiles Tom. "The girl Delphini and the boy Mattheo", I smile as I look at my two perfect babies. "Those are beautiful names, my doll. Delphini and Mattheo Riddle", smiles Tom proudly as he looks at me. "You've done an amazing job, honey, by being by my side", I smile and he smiles back. "I love you, my doll", smiles Tom. "I love you more", I smile back.

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