Chapter 1

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3rd person POV ( This POV is only for the first chapter I normally write in 1st, I just thought that this was the best way to explain the first part.)

Disclaimer:I own nothing. All rights reserved for Rick Riordan and James Patterson.

It was the end of summer and Percy was in a slightly depressed state about going home. No, it was not that he didn't want to see his mom, because he did, it was just the fact that he would be attending mortal school. He knew he would eventually be kicked out and have to transfer even though it was his last year in high school. The only thing that kept him from swimming to the bottom of the lake and live there until he didn't have to go was his girlfriend, Annabeth. She had decided to go to school with him. He stepped out the taxi that dropped him off in front of his mothers house and payed the driver. He sighed as he stood there looking at the building. Annabeth wouldn't get there until Monday when school started and it was Friday. He walked up the stairs to his apartment now excited to his mom and step father, Paul.As soon as he knocked the door was opened by his seemingly nervous mom.

"Percy!" she hugged him as tight as a 40 year old 5 foot 3 woman could.

"Hey mom." Percy said as he hugged her back. Simultaneously he waved to his step father.

"hey Percy, how are you doing?" Paul said walking over to where Sally had stopped hugging Percy and now was bringing them both toward the kitchen.

"Better since the war is finally over." Percy said solemnly. Sally brought out a new batch of cookies that were in fact blue. Percy smiled as he grabbed one

"P..Percy I... No we have something to tell you." Sally shakily got the words out. She was so nervous she thought her heart was going to bound out of her chest.

"Okay...what is it?" Percy's face was so confused it was funny. Sally let out a small laugh .Paul was now by her side and had his arm around her shoulders.

"Uhhh," she didn't know how to say this. She decided that she would just go for it. " Percy.." her voice was a lot stronger now she had gained confidence even though her heart was still pounding in her chest. "...I'm pregnant." You could her a pin drop it was so silent.

'You yo your...your pregnant!" Percy thought he couldn't ever smile as much as he was now. He ran over dropping half of a cookie out of his mouth, and hugged his mom.

"That's awesome, mom." Soon all three of them were in a group hug and Sally had tears streaming down her checks she was so happy.

"Were glad you think so Percy" Paul said with a large smile on his face.


Time skip to the next morning


Sally was cleaning of the counter while Paul was at work and Percy was sleeping in his room. That's when the door burst open. Five men all in white lab coats burst through the door. Sally ducked and covered her head to avoid being hit by debris. Her first thought was that they were Greek monsters coming for her son. She soon reviled that they were mortal since they held guns and she has never heard of a monster doing that. One of the men, a bald tall one, grabbed Sally and held a gun to her head.

"Where is he?" His voice boomed causing Sally to shake though she was trying desperately not to. That when Percy burst out of his bedroom door and came running into the living room.

"Let her go!" Percy's voice was commanding. Sally was scared she has never seen her son like this before. He was terrifying.

"Who are you?" Percy yelled at them.

"There you are." One of the other lab coated men said, this one was average height and had longish black hair that became a pony in the back. Another thing Percy noticed is that they seemed not to want to answer his question. Percy was confused, these were mortals. So, what in the Zeus were they doing trying to kidnap his mom. Then he realized that they were looking for him. What would mortals want from him? Were they from the government?

"What do you want with me?" Percy said as he took out Riptide, silently thanking Nico for convincing him to upgrade it by adding to Stygian Iron on to its edge making it dangerous to both monsters and mortals.

"Don't try anything or we will kill her!" The bald one said, While he pointed a gun to Sally's head. Percy froze he could tell they were serious. Then a new thought came into his head. Mom's Pregnant I can't let them do anything to her.

"Like I said, what do you want with me?' His voice was slightly less demanding he was now scared for his mom's life but tried to hide it.

"Just to have... a chat" The long haired one said venomously. "Listen kid, you come with us or we kill your mom and drag you out with her corpse. " He now said exasperated. Percy had no choice they were smart. They had every exit covered and a gun to his moms head. He had to go with them.

"Fine, Let her go!...and I will go with you." His voice was defeated but not to be messed with.

"Percy! No! Don't do it!" His mom had tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay mom just tell Annabeth I love her, And I love you to mom. This isn't a goodbye 'cause I'll see you later." They were switched. Sally wasn't sure on the details all she knows is somehow Percy was being willing then surprised them by lashing out but was eventually shot with a tranquilizer and then they haled him away as s he was handcuffed to her counter unable to do anything but watch as they took her baby boy away.

Hi! Thanks for reading please favorite, follow, and review. Sorry for the cliffhanger :P I will publish next chapter later this week. If you guys have any suggestions please comment.

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