Chapter 15

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Heyyyyy XD I'm back sorry for not updating in like a month but life has been hectic and my computer had issues and ugh life in general. To make up for my lack of chapters I will be doing one every weekend from here on out :) I hope you all still enjoy. Also the new Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan came out and I could not be happier XD 

Disclaimer: I won nothing all rights reserved for Rick Riordan and James Patterson.

Percy's POV

Great! we're heading back to the place that tortured me for weeks on end, I'm so happy. Can't you tell? But, for real I am dreading going back to that horrible island. Part of me wants to go back and kicks some scientist butt however the other part of me wants to go back to camp and find out a way to Help Max, Angel, and Fang. I watch Annabeth who is flying on Blackjack just ahead of me. She looks back at me and I smile to her, its nice to have her again.

We fly for a few more hours before the Peagesus need rest so we find a thickly wooded part of the forest to make camp. I know I could continue on all the way to the School but, I need everyone else there and they can't exactly fly like I can. We put up some make shift tents and Leo hands out food that mostly consists of chips and other junk food. I look at everyone. Theres Thalia, Annabeth, Leo, Gazzy, Iggy, Nudge, and Nico. We all split up into two per tent we don't speak much just a few muttered phrases like 'pass the Doritos' or 'thanks'. Leo and Nico share, so does Gazzy and Iggy, Thalia and Nudge, and of course Annabeth and I. 

I wrap my arms around her under the blanket and breathe her in. 

"Percy..." She whispers my name her voice is dripping with worry.

"I'm sorry that you have to go back to that..p-place." I realize she is crying and wrap her in a tighter hug. 

"It's okay, Annabeth. Everything will turn out all right." I try my hardest to sound convincing but Annabeth always knows when I am lying. She takes a shaky breath. 

"I'm sorry," She tells me and I am instantly confused. Why would she be sorry? but, she doesn't let me interrupt. "I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I couldn't get you out. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." Silent tears slip down her cheeks. 

"Annabeth... You were there. I thought about you everyday you kept me going. I wouldn't have made it out w-without you. I love you, Annabeth." This seems to calm her down and she smiles slightly.

"I love you too, Seaweed brain." She snuggles back down and I soon hear her start to snore lightly. I wish I could too sleep. But, I keep thinking about those nights in the lab when they'd inject me with random serums that felt like liquid fire under my skin, or when they'd cut me open and I could feel every bit of it. After what feels like an eternity I drift into a restless sleep.


Time skip (Guuuuys it's so nice to be back writing again XD)


I wake the next morning to screaming. 

My own screaming. Annabeth is hovering over my face shaking my shoulders and I notice the tent flaps open to the others worried faces. I sit up quickly, panting from the nightmare. 

"Percy..." I barley register Annabeth saying my name. 

"I'm fine." I say as I stand up walking out the tent into the wood, fully aware of my lack of shirt. They stare at the scars covering my chest from some Tartarus others from the School. After a little bit I find my way back to camp to see everything packed up and without a word we all take off. The whole time I try not to let my mind wander to the nightmare but it was virtually impossible. I look ahead and wacth the others spinning through the clouds smiling and I decide to join them. Racing up and coming out of a cloud nearly scaring Leo off the Pegasus. Maybe, things could get better.

Max's POV

I scream. To where I don't think I could ever stop. I scream and scream and scream. My vocal chords are probably shredded by now but I don't care. My wings, my freedom, are being cut out of my life one feather at a time. Snake man left me alone a few hours ago but that doesn't matter my back, my wings, still ache and burn with the lasting pain of what he did, no, of what he is doing to me. I allow my self to lean my head against the wet moldy stone wall that is covered in my blood. 

I finally let the rest of the tears fall. I cry for my Angel, my Fang, my Gazzy, my Iggy, my Nudge, and for me and my shredded wings. They can't be my flock anymore just as I can't fly anymore. I remember the camp and everyone there, their happy despite being through wars. Their stronger than I am and I won't ever be happy again. I admit this to myself. As much as I hated and blamed being avian for ruining my life, it also gave me a life, my freedom, and a family. 

"Ssssseee thissss, sssso sssssad." Snake boy is back and he is laughing again. He is laughing as if he saw a funny clown at the circus not as if he was torturing a bird-girl. He smiles and sticks out his forked tongue and licks his lips. "How precioussss." I watch his snake fangs as he take s few more steps closer.

Hey XD Please review, it helps a lot. I'm glad to be back writing and will try to update every weekend. Thanks for reading and be sure to tell me what you think of it. 

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