Chapter 9

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Hello guys! Thank you all so much for reading. Yay flock is finally at camp! Alas we didn't reach our goal :( but we were close enough so I uploaded:P  But, to all those who reviewed thank you very much! You guys have all been so nice XD I will most likely publish next chapter tomorrow as well. So I hope you all enjoy, and tell me what you think.

Percy's POV

They smile and we take off. We fly towards camp, oh gods I'm gonna see Annabeth. After 10 minutes of flying we land just outside the strawberry field. Then, we walk right by Thalia's tree and into camp. It's beautiful, I look around and smile. I see the Agro II is parked by the lake with a few Romans hanging around.

"Hey who is there?" A familiar voice calls through the bushes to our right.

Out steps the one and only... Clarisse 

"Prissy?Is that you Prissy?" She looks at me shocked, then surprising me she hugs me. Huh, even Clarisse missed me. 

"Hi" Wow great first 'I've come back from the dead words'. Clarisse grabs the signal horn from her belt, she must have been on border duty.  I hear her blow on it and shouts of some demigods at bottom of hill. We step out of the bushes so the whole camp can see us. Most of them are running toward us with weapons. The flock stands behind us. Then the camp sees me.

"Percy!" I hear Grover call as he runs, no more like gallops toward us.  I hug him.

"Hey Grover." He baaaas like a goat in my face, and his breath is not pleasant.

"Where were you?!" He looks at me worriedly.  

"I'll explain in a moment." Soon all of the camp is there asking me where I have been. But, I haven't seen Annabeth yet. I won't say until I see my wise girl, okay now I sound like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum but whatever.

"Where's Annabeth?" I ask the nearest son of Athena, which happens to be Malcolm. 

"She's in her cabin or training, that's all she does nowadays." I take off running to her cabin leaving the flock with a confused crowd of demigods. When I get in side there is no one. "Annabeth!" Nothing. I take of running to the arena. When I get to the entrance I freeze. She hasn't noticed me. she hacks away at one of the practice dummies. She has tears on her face, "Oh gods, Annabeth." I say that out loud having her realize my presence.

"Percy?" She whips around to look at me. 

"Annabeth." I run toward her as she does run toward me. I hug her tight and spin her around, my wise girl. When I set her down she looks at me.

"Where were you, Percy? What happened? What-" I cut her off by kissing her. 

"I love you." I say as I pull away. 

"Love you, too"She whispers into my chest as I hug her, again. Then I hear cheering I look at the entrance of the arena to see the entire camp, oh Hades this is the Roman camp all over again. I hear the Aphrodite squealing, when I kiss the top of Annabeth's head. I notice the flock off toward the side, but smiling. I laugh as me and Annabeth do a theatrical bow towards the camp. 

Soon the cheering dies down and the flock walks over to join me as I face the camp. They are now shouting out, 'where were you?'s and 'what happened's. So since the whole camp is here and I have my Annabeth, I guess I'll tell them. 

"Hey! Quiet down!" 

"We already know what happened when you got kidnapped, again." She sounds slightly mad, and I wince."Your mom called the big house phone and told us what happened." Okay so I'll start from after that.

"So," I say raising my voice so that everyone can hear. " After those guys came and drugged me, I woke up at a place that we," I say as I motion to the flock and I. "Call The School. Do any of you know who they are?" I point at the flock. After a minute, a son of Hermes asks if they are those bird kids. I nod.

"They are the kids on the news," I say if I know what I am talking about but I haven't seen the  news in a year or possibly more. I look behind me and see Max smile. She takes a step backward and spreads her wings. The whole camp gasps, and the Athena cabin looks like they want to see them up close to study them, even Annabeth. 

"Anyway when I got there, they knew there was something off about me saying there are kids all over who have powers or what not. I think they are referring to us demigods, they just don't know what we are. That's why they wanted me. " I pause to take a breath as campers look expectantly.

I decide to skip the fact that they dissected and tortured me for two months thing. "They gave me some liquid and..." I step back from Annabeth and open my own wings. I was dead silent then I hear laughter from one person in the crowd, Nico. 

"You you, How has Zeus not killed you yet?" He says threw laughter. "Of all people to get wings." I chuckle and see the other that know about the whole 'Zeus hating me and promised to knock me out of the sky.' 

"He gave me his blessing, actually." I tell them. "Probably not by choice though." I muse.

I see Annabeth staring at my wings and I walk over to her to let her feel them. I explain the rest of what happened as Annabeth runs her fingers over my wings. At one point I laugh as she hits a ticklish spot. 

"You didn't even beat your kidnapping length record."I hear Travis joke. 

Hi, Thanks for reading. Sorry if it wasn't that good... Tell me what you guys thought. Ugh! I have to finish summer reading for school. I don't even like the book.on top of that I'm going to a new school, *sarcastic yay* 

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