Chapter 47

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I give the Prince - Ashley - more than I gave to Khan; I give him everything. All of me.

We spend the rest of the night in his bedroom, staying up and talking. Kissing. Staring at each other.

Being this close feels intense. Kissing him sends what feels like electric waves coursing through my body.

"You're clairsentient," he remarks. "You can feel what I'm feeling, as well as what you're feeling."

He's claircognizant. "I just know things," he says. "Like when I met you. I took one look at you and I knew you were the one I'd been waiting for."

We talk about everything. Our childhoods. Our families.

Our abilities.

I tell him about my astral projecting and trying to meet my guides. He suggests I practice channelling them, instead.

"You told me that you used to channel poetry," he says. "Why not try writing a message from your guides? The same way you would channel one of your poems."

Morning comes too soon.

Ashley tells me he has business in Poland, but promises he'll be back within a few weeks. And he asks me to keep things on the down-low for now - even from the other Rosewood residents.

"Until the timing is right," he says.

I agree to wait, and he tells me that when he returns from his trip we'll start making plans. I practically skip down the hallway, leaving my prince standing in his bedroom doorway, a little smile on his face.

I can't wait for the headlines. Devon DaMaren: Betrothed to a legit future king. 

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