Chapter 34

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After a few weeks, Akasha has had enough.

She pulls some jeans and a sweater for me from my closet and tells me to pay a visit to Dolores.

"Otherwise, I'm calling Cassandra," she threatens.


I don't know where to begin for Dolores. I try telling her about Khan; about catching him with my two best friends. But she doesn't want to talk about that.

"There's a lot of congested energy in your hands and arms," she remarks. "Especially on your left side."

I tell her I've been doing Reiki on Cleo, but have run into some issues.

"The energies are flowing into you, but they're not flowing out. So what is it you're not letting go of?"

"Being betrayed by people I trust."

"And? What else?"

I think for a minute.

"Goldie," I say quietly.

"Ah, the old familiar." She nods. "Well, until you are able to let him go, you won't be able to move forward with your healing work."

"So how do I let him go?"

"As you strengthen the bond with your new familiar, you will find that it happens naturally. Letting go is not about forgetting - it's about acceptance; it's about being at peace."

She's given me a lot to think about, but she leaves me with one more thing.

"This boy who broke your heart was just that - a boy. There is another coming," she says, her voice full of promise. "There is a lot of good coming your way." 

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