Unknown Past

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Summary : Some secrets stay hidden with people forever. We don't like to talk about them. Merlin has a painful secret that he wants to take with him to the grave. Fortunately for him, fate is on his side or not


Merlin POV

I sat on my bed watching the sun begin to shine. I had another nightmare maybe more of a memory from a few years ago. 

It happened almost 21 years ago and I still can't forget it. I looked at the wolf necklace and hoped all was well with Caleb.

I haven't written to him in a long time and I need to change that and write to him. We were in this together and I hope he didn't go down the road that THEY wanted.

I don't know why the memories of those lal are coming back to me. They may be old but that doesn't mean I will forget the pain associated with them.

 I have a lot of scars associated with that time but I gained more of them during my service in Camelot over those 10 years. However, I do not regret my decision to stay here.

Serving and protecting Arthur has become my job and enjoyment. Although he, along with the Knights of the Round Table, do not know everything about my past. There are two things they don't know about me is what happened almost 21 years ago and who my dad is.

I met people who accept me for me and I wouldn't change them for anything. It has been 4 years since Arthur became King and almost 8 since he knows about my magic. He found out about it during one of his hunting trips. He wanted to go hunting with two of us and we were attacked.

He was angry with me and wanted to banish me to protect me, but I didn't let him. When he calmed down I told him everything from the beginning and everything I had done for him. This calmed him down a bit and he let me tell him more thoroughly.

Since then Arthur talked to me and Gaius about magic and magical creatures. Every day he gave me an two or three hours to train with magic and he was always there with me. 

He read books on magic with me in his spare time. He began to realize that magic is like a sword. It is not bad or good by itself but from the person who possesses it.

I became his advisor on magic and more. Whenever he had a problem with any situation he would talk to me about it. Our bond strengthened from the moment he learned about my magic.

When Morgana realized she had magic six years ago and came to me with it. I ignored what Great Dragon and Gaius had to say about it and took her under my wing. I became her Mentor and helped her control her magic. 

It took her several months before she told Arthur about her magic. I spent most of the time to convince her that Arthur was not like Uther and would accept her. All I had to do was say that he knew about my magic and that convinced her to tell him.

Every day we spent two or three hours with him for training and another two where I was alone with her. We showed him spells that we had 100% control over or were not dangerous. Gaius was angry with me for not listening to him, but when he saw that her nightmares had calmed down and she was happier he realized I had done the right thing.

I rubbed my eyes and dried deeply. I knew I had to put the past behind me and not think about it anymore. I know that I won't be able to change what happened there, but I can make me have a better future.

I know that I have gained useful abilities that help me protect people close to me. However, I hope I won't have to tell others about it because I don't know if I would be able to do it.

I hope that this secret will remain a secret that I can take with me to the grave. Knowing my luck one day I will have to tell them but time only knows. I hope that what happened almost 21 years ago will be hidden forever.

This part of my life will be hidden as long as possible. I hope that fate is on my side with this one.

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