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It was 8:30PM.I had an evening shift today. Madam Rasheedat,a new worker, Hidayah and I tidied up and left.

Hidayah and I were going thesame way. We made small talk on the way, mainly about how tiring our work is.

"What time are you coming in tomorrow?"Hidayah questioned.

I was stretching my hand to ease the pain in my joints.I paused and replied, "Two."

She told me she was coming in same time today. We reached a corner and she told me her house was at the end of the road. I bid her goodbye and kept walking.

I kept myself busy with listing the things I had to do when I go home. I am not some influencer with a fancy evening routine but I look forward to mine sometimes.It consisted of eating,taking a bath(sometimes), reading a book or Qur'an especially on days I feel down then sleeping du'a.

I fished out my phone from my bag when I heard it ringing. I answered it with a smile,"Baby na."

"Yes baby. How was your first day?"
My boyfriend asked. We have been together for more than a year. This might sound selfish but he isn't the man I have been dreaming of. You could say I was settling for less.

"It was okay,"I said,"I had an annoing customer today. Almost pounced on her."

I told him how the young lady was doing oversabi for me. She was complaining that I wasnt good at my work.

"Are you sure you are good at your work though?" He teased.

"C'mon baby. To be honest though, alot of water got into her ear." I confessed.

He chuckled lightly,"I pity your customers baby. Zaki sha practice da su."

I found his comment really funny."Eh practice makes perfect. Babu yadda suka iya da ni."

I rounded the corner by my right while I heard him shuffling with papers. Thanks to the street light, I sighted some guys by the bonnet of a car. They were conversing in very loud voices.
I am not crazy for cars but this one was hot. I admired it from afar so they won't see me doing that.

As I got closer to them, they all looked my side briefly and went on with their business. There was a creepy one among them though. He kept staring at me as I walked under the streetlight. Thank God I was wearing jeans, I would be able to run fast when the need arises.

I decided to end the call since Abbas sounded busy.

I quickened my steps, I was almost home. I could here their voices fading as I walked.

I locked the gate and went inside with the greeting of peace.

I dropped my veil and bag on the couch and dashed to the kitchen. I fetched the yummy looking rice in my plate and sat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Hafsah? Kin dawo?"
Mama entered the kitchen tying her wrapper around her chest.

I nodded repeatly and replied once I have swallowed the food in my mouth,"Na dawo, mama na ta kaina. Ki zauna kiji labari mana."

"Finish your food first. In the meantime,I'll do the dishes."

"Leave it Mama, I'll finish them tomorrow."

I know Mama,she doesn't enjoy her sleep if her kitchen isn't squeaky clean.So,I didn't insist when she said no.
After praying, I fell asleep on my prayer mat.


I went back to sleep after subh.
Around eleven, I cleaned and arranged the house. I prepared a simple breakfast for Mama and I.

"Hafsat," Mama called out when we were eating.


"Ya isheni zaman kashe wandon nan naaki."

My mouth opened in shock,"Mama?Me that is working in salon?"

"School fa?"

"Ba kudi mana."

"What of islamiyah?"

I groaned in protest.

"Hafsat! I won't sit and watch you waste your life. What will I tell Allah when He asks me?"

Mama didnt say more but I know it'll come soon.
I washed my hands and the plate I used. I took my bath and wore my usuals, jeans and top. When it was time for Zuhr, I performed ablution and prayed.

I had breakfast late so I wasnt feeling hungry at the moment. Mama has a habit of sleeping after zuhr so I didnt bother checking her to say goodbye.

The wind blew my veil revealing my hair. I drew it back,remembering I didnt wear a cap. Not that I mind. The thing is, my hair isnt the nicest thing to look at, I didnt feel like combing it today.

My day at the salon went smoothly.There was an incident though. One of the workers almost picked a fight with me.
You see, the corridor behind the curtain is narrow. So the lady was coming in while I was going out. I was almost out, instead of her to wait for me, she came in fuuu like she wanted to bulldoze me. I let it go though, I am a nice person sometimes. She was probably provoked and lacked self contol.

I saw the guys from yesterday again on my way home. They were inside the beaut car, waiting for a gateman to open the gate. Lazy youths kawai.

I felt a car door close and someone trying to catch up with me. Ya Allah please, let it not be the creepy guy.
I turned around, my hunch was right.

Let me stop before this guy follows me home. He looks like someone who can do that.

I watch as he gave me a ounce over, in an extremely creepy way with a smirk playing on his face. Lord give me a chance to slap this smirk off his face.
There's something about his eyes....
The way he looked at me made me self counscious about my dressing.
"Hey!" He grinned revealing his whites.

There's this cold look I usually give guys and they get the gist and leave me alone. I gave him that and more but he didn't move an inch. He drilled his gaze more into my face.

"I saw you...."

In the coldest and most curt voice I could muster, I cut him off,""

"Hey, I'm.... "
This guy never gets the gist huh?

I turned my back to him and walked away.

"Hamza is the name!"

Can someone let him know that I don't care?

I could feel his eyes on me until I had turned the corner. God protect me.

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