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The wailing of baby brought him to a halt just before he entered the kitchen from the back door.

The voice of a woman fruitlessly trying to shush the baby confirmed his thoughts; his sister, Muneera, was here with her eight months old baby.

He turned around to leave. Few steps away from the door, his stomach growled in a cry for food. He tugged at his hair in exhaustion and turned towards the kitchen.

He said a salam, more to himself than his sister who was standing in the kitchen.

Wordlessly, he grabbed a plate and a spoon to fetch the food that was just few feet away.
He silently prayed that she doesn't say a word to him as he neared the food flask.

"It's spaghetti."
Hamza gave her a quick glance and nodded in response. As he changed to a fork, he watched his neice, Mimi, whose face was resting on her mum's chest, gawk at him like he was a stranger. Well, he was. He couldn't help the smile that appeared on his lips as the baby followed him with her eyes. He felt like a criminal being monitored by an offficer.

"Ya kake?" He heard Muneera ask while he went on with filling his plate.

"Lafy," he answered, his voice coming out deep. It was deliberate.

"Ya school?"


Muneera hummed.
He left after he was done.

Hamza watched a movie as he ate. When the call to prayer for Asr was being made, he silenced the television until it was done. He pressed on the mute button again and voices from the television filled his room.

A knock on the door woke him from his nap. He glanced at the clock then the television. He didn't plan on sleeping. He hissed in exhaustion before answering the door.

"Hamza. Take this, we have a wedding to attend."

He collected the key from his mum while taking in the sight before him. His mum was ravishing.

He nodded in response. His mum always left the house key with him when there was no one at home. In case he needed something.

He took a cold shower to get rid of the stress from school. He walked out after picking up his phone.

It was six pm already. He stood a few feet away from the gate and waited. As expected, she rounded the corner in her confident steps.

Unconsciously, a smirk appeared on his lips as he approached her.

"" Her voice was cold. Surprisingly, it warmed his heart.

"Why...." The glare she sent him didn't let him finish.

She walked away in a hurry, leaving him in the middle of the road.

"Such a no-nonsense girl," he huffed, his hands massaging his nape. The girl was starting to annoy him. His intention was to be friends with her but he wasn't sure anymore.

He pulled out his phone and typed hurriedly.
"I'm coming."

He grabbed his key from his room. He was settled in his car and was about to drive out when his phone pinged.

"I'm not home."
He hissed in annoyance. No one had his time today. He checked with his other girl and she wasn't available to meet him too.

What's the use of all the money I load into their account.

He thought and rested his head on the  steering wheel.
He had to find something to do lest the loneliness would eat him up.

Video games wasn't an option; he was in no mood for that.
His unfinished school project popped up in his mind.
He went back inside and picked up his laptop. He started the car with the park as the destination in mind.

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