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"To all the huffaz... The wealth in your chest is more valuable than the sun, moon the oceans and the entire universe. Those who own gold and diamond mines or oil wells have NOTHING compared to what you have in your heart."


I couldn't stop smiling. My Quran teacher just commended my recitation. After the Hadith class which lasted for 45minutes, the rest of the time was fixed for Quran.

Reason why Quran class was two hours,ten minutes? We needed time to memorize. I did a page of Baqarah today. The feeling of knowing it by heart? It's unexplainable.

As my teacher advised, I used the rest of the time to repeat the page over and over. He also said to make sure I revise it before I go to sleep to avoid forgetting it.

Once the clock hit 1, we moved to the mosque to pray and I left immediately it was done.

I found myself reciting on the road in a beautiful voice which belonged to my teacher. I have set my mind to learn that voice. It was amazing.

Hamza's car was parked right outside my house.  Oh I haven't forgotten our plans for today, I was looking forward to it.
I didn't expect him to come this hot afternoon though.

"Hey." I greeted when he stepped out of the car.

"Hafsat," he took his time to observe what I was wearing.

It reminded me of a video I listened to some time ago.
It said, women normally admired men from afar without the man noticing. But men, they wait until the woman is right before them before they check her out.

"You look beautiful. Where are you coming from?"

Okay my heartbeat didn't just race at the compliment right?

"Islamiyya. And you? What are you doing here?"
I might've sounded straightforward but I can't think of any other way to put it.

"Our plans?"

"Hamza it's too hot out here. Come in first. I'll eat then we can go around three?"

Believe me I've got no idea where I got the confidence to invite him inside. Now, I need to come up with a lie to tell Mama.

"Um, I can't come in Hafsat..." His hand went to his nape nervously.

I smiled at that. After more convincing, he followed me inside.

I heard Mama in the kitchen. I asked Hamza to sit and wait for me.

"Mama, weee..erm..have a guest."

"A guest?" Mama was surprised.  Yeah it's been a long long while since we had one. 
It's understandable though since most of our family members were based in our state, Adamawa.

"Yes. He's Ameera's Hamma. Apparently,  Ameera forgot to buy some stuff so she asked me to help."
This lie better work or Hamza is gonna get entertained in this house today.

"He's going to take you to buy 'some stuff' for Ameera?"


"Ameera doesn't have sisters?"
I'm about to get caught wallah.

"Erm, Mama I don't know.  Let's ask him?"

Mama gave me the stink eye for the second time today, nastier than the first I tell you.

I calmly waited for her to wash her hands that was dirtied with soap. I passed Mama her hijab that I brought from the parlor then followed her out.

Hamza greeted her and she answered with a nice smile. At least she isn't coming in with full force.

To my utmost surprise, she said,
"Hafsat bring him food to eat before you two leave."
My jaw is on the floor.

I nodded respectfully as I watch her go to her room.

Hamza kept looking at me in confusion.  I ignored him and went to do as told.

The food was fried rice and salad. I don't understand the way Mama is pampering me these days but I love it.

I served Hamza before doing thesame for myself.
He tried acting shy but I promised him that he was going nowhere until he ate.
I made sure he saw me picking up the key, I locked the door and showed him the key.

"You want to be fed?" I teased and he looked at me with widened eyes.
He regained his composure within seconds.

"Yes baby. Come feed me."

I covered my mouth with my hands to suppress the scream. Never in my life would I believe Hamza could be this wild.

I shook my head at him in surprise before disappearing to my room.


After eating to my fill with "yes baby. Come feed me" repeatedly playing in my head, Hamza and I left after I made sure he finished everything on his plate.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm glad Mama didn't come in to wake me up this morning.  How would I have explained the camera?!

The sun was perfect for pictures. I snapped everyone and everywhere I could. 

We prayed our asr there and a few minutes to 5PM, Hamza said he was needed somewhere.

"Thank you so much. For the camera, and today. "

He switched of the engine and turned to look at me properly.
"C'mon baby. No need for that. "

"Stop." I must be crazy to be blushing right now.

"Stop what?"

"What you're calling me."



"But I can't," he replied with that signature smirk decorating his face.

"Okay I should get going. "

"Take care, baby."
My heart did a somersault I swear.

I got off the car and watch him drive away. With a deep breath, I pushed the gate and went inside.

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