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Heart flutters,

Uncontrollable blushes,

Queen of daydreaming.

Hafsat was in love. Oh, so deep in it.

She just completed fajr and was back under the blanket. She switched on her data to talk to Hamza, the one person she has been obsessed with recently.

She was already blushing cox of the reply she was expecting but her face fell when there was none.

He's still sleeping I know. After all we spent the night talking.

She dismissed and switched off the phone. She spent minutes admiring it. Her brand new Samsung;one of Hamza's many gifts.
He gave her a necklace, bracelets;chocolates most of the time.

Less than twenty minutes later, she turned on the phone again. Hafsat saw the double tick and her insides were dancing with excitement.

She busied herself with her gallery, settings, wallpaper adjustment and whatever she could do on that phone.
She waited.

Ten minutes,


An hour.

Hafsat's eyes widened when she saw the time. She spent an hour doing nothing;waiting.

She hissed at Hamza's habit. This wasn't the first.

She picked up her Quran and recited her daily portion, most of her focus still on the delivered message.

After her chores and breakfast, Hafsat got ready for Islamiyya and left.

It was a normal day and by 1pm, she was on her way back.
She gasped in shock when she sighted Abbas' car parked few feet away from the gate.

Hafsat could swear that she had totally forgotten she was dating Abbas.
Can this day get any worse?

"Hey," she greets when they were few feet away.

"Hi." He smiled. He rounded the car and gestured for her to get in.

Once he was settled, "How have you been?"

"Erm..good alhamdulillah. And you?"

"Same. I'm sorry for not keeping in touch. Work has.."

"It's okay Abbas. You would've made time regardless had it been you took me seriously that's the fact."

"I'm really sorry."

"It won't make a difference, Abbas. I want nothing to do with you. "

"I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me."

Hafsat replied with a nod before taking the handle to open the door.

"I am getting married." He broke the news.

Hafsat was thankful she had her back to him so he couldn't see her shocked expression. She closed her eyes for a few seconds to register what he said. After putting up the fakest smile she could make, she turned to face him

"That's great news. Allah baku zaman lafiya. "

She rushed out of the car as the tears pooled in her eyes. She could barely see where she was going.

Hafsat was almost at the gate when she turned back. She had a burning question and she won't find peace until she got an answer.

She opened the door to his side. Abbas was still in the position she left him.

"Why? In what way was I not enough Abbas?"

Abbas was startled at the question. He hurriedly got out of the car and held her hands as she sobbed hard.

"I'm so sorry Hafsat. Life happened."

It really hurt her that Abbas fell out of love. She wished it was some sort of deficiency in her.

She thought her next statement would soothe her but it made her feel worse.
"I am in a relationship too." She declared snatching away her hands and cleaning her tears.

"That's...good to hear. I pray it goes well for you both."
That made her feel more stupid.

"I hate you Abbas." She walked off feeling the hate towards herself instead.


Hafsat slept through the afternoon and evening after crying her heart out.
She said her missed prayers then hopped on her bed again.

She was too heartbroken to check her phone earlier but now she wanted to talk to Hamza.

Hafsat was disappointed to see that he still hasn't sent her a message.
She broke into new set of tears, questioning the love Hamza has for her.

For God's sake, how could you go hours without talking to the person you claim to be in love with and still function well?
Well it could be that she's exaggerating it but...

Her eyes caught the time, it was 8pm on the dot. Her ablution was intact so she prayed isha then added shafa'i and witr.

Her ustaz gave her stern warning on the number of pages he wanted her to recite the next day so she got to it.

By 10pm, she had two and a half pages down and just another half and she could go to sleep. Not that she was feeling sleepy.

Hafsat went to the kitchen to get food cox her stomach was making really disturbing sounds.

She was relieved Mama wasn't there so she fried eggs to pair with bread and tea. She was back in her room thirty minutes later.

Hafsat opened her Quran to finish up her memorization when her phone rang.

She deliberated for a few seconds before answering. She missed him.

"Hello?" Hamza said into the phone.

"Hey Hamza. You were nowhere to be found throughout today. " After you got me used to talking everyday, she wanted to add.

"Um yeah sorry about that."
Can they just stop with the 'sorry'?!

"Okay." She replied as if she was cool with it.

"Are you upset?"


"I've been busy with my project. "

Then you'd graduate, get a job and get married to someone else yeah?
Hafsat wanted to badly reply with that but she knew who deserved it. It wasn't Hamza.

"I understand. How is it coming along?"

"Pretty good. I missed you, I had to call and hear your voice."

"Me too."

"Why didn't you call?" Hamza asked.

" reason."
To be honest she didn't want him to think she couldn't do without him.
Also, there's a saying; don't start what you can't finish.

"What did you do today?"

"Well, same old. Just Islamiyya."


Hello people.

I hope you like it..

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