1. Wine Night (Mitch)

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Scott is back! Those three words were the only thing whirling around in my mind as I closed the door of his bedroom behind me. We just finished carrying his things up to my, no, our apartment. I did not know why he and Sarah broke up, yet. I decided that it would be better to as such a question over Chinese food and a bottle of Chardonnay rather than between moving boxes from one place to another.

I made my way over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of our favourite wine from the fridge and produced two glasses from the cupboard. I then quickly grabbed my phone to place an order of Scott's and my favourite Chinese snacks, sighing as I took a look at the lock-screen. Three missed calls and five texts from Damian.

That's when it hit me. I totally forgot to reschedule our night out. Scott shouldn't be alone tonight. Although he seemed to be fairly unimpressed by everything right now I expected him to break down anytime soon . So I was definitely staying home with him. Yet I needed to call Damian to explain my situation. But first... food.

After ordering I went over to the living room with the wine and the glasses. I sat down on the couch and called Damian.

"Mitch. I was scared that you got lost. Where are you?" His voice was giggly.

"I'm at home. We need to reschedule tonight. I'm sorry but Scott needs me. Friend emergency" I kept my voice neutral.

"But Mitch... I've been looking forward to tonight. The club is amazing" Damian started to argue. Obviously he didn't know the meaning of the word emergency.

"Look, Damian. I told you I'm sorry. But this is important..." I started again.

"Who's this Scott anyway? Just a friend?"

"Yes my best friend... he was thrown out and I helped him gather his things..." I explained to him, getting impatient.

"Will he be staying with you for a long time?"

I huffed. Damian was getting envious. Something that I didn't like at all. "He is not staying here he lives with me for fücks sake" I spoke louder, now.

"Great for you and Scotty..." Damian scoffed.

"He had a girlfriend, stop being so damn jealous." I lost every ounce of patience that I had left.

Damian was quiet for a moment. "I'm sorry, Mitch. Just my trust issues, you know. Any chance that you're coming over later tonight?" His voice was soft. He really meant it.

"No, I'm not going out tonight. I won't be leaving him alone." I said clearly. "But we can meet up tomorrow. Maybe go to the club or just talk" I added more gentle. After all Damian meant something to me. I really wanted to spend time with him. But Scott was my priority for tonight.

"Yes... why not. I'll text you tomorrow. Bye. And tell Scott to keep his head up high."

I grinned slightly. "I will do! Bye, Damian."

After I put my phone down I looked towards the door.

"Scott, you may come in. I'm finished." I knew that he had been standing there for quite a while but didn't want to appear eavesdropping.

Scott came in and grinned at me a little bit awkwardly. He sat down on the sofa and poured two glasses of wine, handing one of them to me. We drank in silence until Scott cleared his throat.

"Who were you talking to earlier on? You sounded so annoyed." He wanted to know. His voice was soft, almost careful.

I sighed. "Damian. Cute guy. Met him a few weeks ago. We're seeing each other. He was disappointed that I'm having a wine night with you rather than going to a club with him. But I told him that I didn't want to leave you alone tonight." I decided to go with the truth.

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