4. Curing a Hangover (Scott)

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It was a fun evening with Avi and Kevin. We found a way to install my big flatscreen at the wall of our living-room and spent the rest of the evening playing video-games and eating junk food. What I appreciated more than anything was, that they didn't ask me about the end of my relationship. It was great to have an evening without worries, without the little voice in my head questioning everything I felt and didn't feel.

In that night I slept good. So good that I didn't wake up when Mitch came home. I had expected him to stay over at Damian's or Damian staying over at our apartment. I was surprised to find the door to his room open and him passed out on top of his sheets wearing only boxers and socks, alone. Such a great view seeing him lying on his stomach. The brown hair, messed up from sleeping, the slender body draped over the sheets, creamy, flawless skin. And most of all: that ass... wonderful. I bit my lower lip thinking about him in ways that I didn't understand. I shrugged and went away from the toom, jerking when I heard Mitch's quiet voice.

"Scotty? Is that you" he mumbled, turning his head around. "Ouch.  Head."

"Yep, it's me, Mitchy. Hangover? You look like hell" I answered.

Mitch groaned. "I feel like dying."

I chuckled. "I'm getting you water and some ibuprofen, just wait a second." I quickly got a bottle of water and the pills for him and sat down on his bed. "Can you sit up? I'll help you."

Slowly Mitch turned around, struggling to sit up. "Help me?"

I smiled at him and put my arm around his back, making him sit up. I gave him two pills and the water, waiting until he had downed the whole bottle. Carefully I laid him back down on his pillows and took the now empty bottle from him.

"I'm heading out to get coffee. You'll feel better once the medicine kicks in, alright?" I soothed him.

"Mmmh... get my usual. And something to eat. I may be hungry. Don't know, yet" he mumbled with his eyes closed.

Again, I chuckled. He was too cute in this state. Although I felt sorry for him I absolutely adored this side of him. Helping him feel better was making me feel like I was doing something right. I felt needed. "I'll get you everything you want, Mitchy. You just try to get better" I said quietly knowing that he had  a huge headache.

He just nodded and turned around, his back pointed towards me. There was that butt again. Amazing. But I turned on my heels and almost ran away from him.
I got ready and head out towards starbucks to pick up our coffee and both his and my favourite pastries. When I was waiting for the barista to prepare our things a tall guy with messy dark hair moved beside me.

"Hey, you're Scott, Mitch's best friend, aren't you?"

I nodded, looking at the guy. He looked slightly familiar but I didn't know where to put him. "Yes, I am. But who are you? I know you from somewhere."

He smiled, looking strained. "I'm Damian. I went out with Mitch yesterday."

Now I knew. "Damian. Yeah, I remember" I said. "He's at home totally hungover. What did the two of you do yesterday? And why are you looking so fresh?" I smiled brightly, ignoring the fact that I was feeling jealous again.

"Well..." he said quietly. "He literally chugged tequila yesterday. I only had beer, I usually don't do shots."

"That explains everything" I answered grinning. As the barista put the two beverages in front of me I thanked her and turned to Damian again. "I'm heading home. Mitchy needs his caffeine. You could come along. He usually needs some TLC if he's feeling peaky" I proposed, being surprised when he looked down.

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