13. Time flies by when you're happy (Mitch)

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It was such a lovely day. After telling Scott's parents the news, we drove over to my childhood home. I was so happy to finally get to see my parents again. Of course they wanted to know why we were visiting on such a short notice. When we told them they were overly happy for us. No surprise. We're talking about my parents here and they would support me in everything I did.

Scott also told them about coming out to his parents and about the way they reacted. After all my parents had experienced that before. Scott was unsure if everything would be good between him and his parents. My Dad was so understanding and ensured him that everything would just be fine. That made me so happy, because especially my Dad had had a hard time accepting me. But he did, we made up and were closer than ever before.

Dinner was a blast aswell. It really felt like we were one big family. Don't get me wrong, the Grassis and the Hoyings had always been pretty close but us being in a relationship seemed to connect us even more.

Because six people do not fit into one car we drove there seperately, the Grassis and the Hoyings. Scott and his parents must have been talking things through on the way to the restaurant, because once we met there he took my hand and squeezed it, looking genuinely happy. Like me and my Dad said, his parents just needed some time to let everything sink in.


A few hours later we are saying goodbye to our parents. I don't know if they expected us to stay in our old bedrooms but when we explained that we had booked a room they just grinned and nodded. We made dinner plans for the next day with my parents which gave us the chance to meet up with a few friends from Highschool during the day. On Sunday we were invited for lunch with the Hoying's before going home in the evening.

When we arrived in our hotel room Scott flopped down on the bed immediately, while I decided to take a shower to relax and be for myself for a little while. Not that I didn't like being around Scott. But having a few minutes to just relax and let my thoughts wander sounded great. And so I really took my time. Once I got back into the room, Scott was already undressed.

"I'm taking a quick shower as well" he mocked me and laughed.

"I know I took like forever. But it was too good in there and I was really tensed because of the long journey and everything" I explained.

"As long as you're feeling better now, Darling."

"Yep. Now get your sexy ass under the shower. Make it a quick one, you promised me something this afternoon." I grinned at him.

"Are we needy?"

I bit my lower lip. "I really don't know about you, Love but I am."

Scott chuckled as he got up. "Now I'm going to hurry even more. I'll be back in five."

In the end it took him about ten minutes to get back into bed. We cuddled up and just enjoyed each others presence for a while, neither of us starting something.

"Did you plan on... like going all the way tonight, Mitchy" Scott asked quietly.

I looked at him, directly into his eyes. He seemed nervous.

"I did not plan a thing. But to be honest, I want to take time for that. A lot of time. Plus there is so much more we can do" I licked my lips, hoping that he'd get the hint.

When his breath hitched, I know that he did. "I like the sound of that..." With those words he pulled me into his embrace and kissed me passionately.


Seeing our friends again and spending some more time with our families was a welcomed distraction from a the worm we still had left in LA with the rehearsal for the next tour.
Plus we still had the whole Monday to ourselves back home in LA which we spent at the beach.


Weeks just flew by. Scott and I got into a routine. We still were madly in love with each other but we got used to the fact that we were a couple. Since we were around each other all the time, at home, with Pentatonix and filming for Superfruit I was scared that it would be too much and our relationship would suffer.

We decided to do more things without each other that we would have done together back when we were 'just' friends.

For example I would be shopping alone with Kirstie while Scott would be hitting the gym with friends.

In the evenings we would talk about our days and go out for dinner, to a club or just stay at home.

Two months into our relationship and it still was perfect. A week ago Scott and I finally did go all the way. Yes,it took us quite a long time but we really wanted to wait for the right moment. Plus we were so busy finishing up everything for the upcoming tour that we were completely exhausted in the evenings. We didn't plan it, it just happened that one night. And so Scott lost his virginity for the second and third time. Although I loved being topped by him, I was more than happy to fulfil his wish of experiencing both, top and bottom. and let me tell you, it was totally worth it. Mommy approves.

The fans didn't know about him and us, yet. The tour was about to start and we didn't want the fans to focus solely on our relationship and well... Scott's identity. Keeping it a secret was easier than I originally thought it would be. The fans were already used to the fact that Scott and I were practically attached at the hip and so we just needed to keep the more obvious PDA at a minimum.

We had the last day before the tour started to ourselves. Our stuff was already loaded into the bus. We just needed to arrive on time the next day. Apart from that we were set.

Scott and I had a nice lazy day planned. We wanted to go out for breakfast at the little cafe by the beach and then just go with whatever we both wanted to do.

It wasn't until we arrived at home after a long walk at the seaside that our phones were blowing up with messages. I was in the bathroom to fresh up and get into some comfortable clothes when it happened.

"What's wrong?" I wanted to know once I arrived in the living room to see Scott frantically tiping things I to his phone.

"It's out... We're out" he just said.

I was shocked. "Wait, what?" I took my phone and looked for myself. There were photos everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. Photos of us feeding each other at the cafe, photos of us walking along the beach hand in hand and last but definitely not least one where we were kissing. No doubt, those pictures just screamed they're in love.

"How... I mean who? We were one, there wasn't anybody around. And it's not like we're famous enough to have paparazzi following us everywhere" I exclaimed.

"I don't know, yet" Scott answered. He was so stressed out.

I sighed and moved over to sit next to him. "We were bound to be out in public some time. I know that it happened to soon but we have to make the most of it." I put an arm around him and felt him melting into my touch.

He kept looking at his phone though trying to find the original post.

"I can't believe it..." he exclaimed after a while.

I looked at his screen again and flinched. "Sarah? And she made it look like... you're cheating on her?"


A/N: I can't sleep so I'm writing. I hope this is an okay chapter. It's mainly a filler. Plus I wrote it in many bits and pieces whenever I got like a couple of minutes.

I hope you liked it.

Please check out my other book 'Slave of Lust'. A new chapter will certainly be up tomorrow.

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