12. Going Home (Scott)

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They took it amazingly good. I was so relieved and surprised. Then again, we're talking about two of my best friends here. Of course they would support me. I was happy, basically glowing and killing this practise.

"I like you like that, Scott, you know" Kevin said to me during the short break. "You're living, again."

I looked at him. "What do you mean, Kev?"

"I didn't want to say it before, Scott, since I thought you were happy with Sarah, but you lost that vibe, that smile you always carried. It was like there was something in your life that you weren't one-hundred-percent satisfied of" he explained.

Kevin never failed to amaze me with how observant and considerate he always was. "You're probably right. I just needed a while to realize it and a slight push by our lovely girl Kirstie. But well, I'm happy right now with Mitch. I just really hope that it will last."

"It will last, Scott. If you both want it to, you'll work everything out. And if you need to talk, you have us to help you" he said.

"Thank you, Kevin. I appreciate it."


We finished our practise pretty late. We were so full of energy that we accomplished more than we had actually planned to. It was a good feeling to have had such a productive day. In addition to that we rescheduled the upcoming few days so that Mitch and I were able to catch a plane to visit our families.

"I'm so glad to have a few days off with you, Scotty" Mitch said once we were back in our apartment.

"Me too, Mitchy. It's great to have some time to settle in, visit our families and just enjoy us" I answered while searching for the next possibility to fly over to Texas. "How does tomorrow around noon sound to you? We could stay there for two nights, fly back with the last plane possible and enjoy a day off here together?"

He came over and sat down next to me to look at the screen of my notebook, nodding in confirmation. "Sounds great. Can you book the flights and then we'll call the parents?"

I grinned at him. "Yep... what shall we tell them though? I mean we need to like visit my parents together. And yours aswell. If we're going to tell them about us..." I wondered while I clicked my way through booking process.

Mitch chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on my cheek. "You worry too much about things, Scotty. I'll just tell my parents that we're going to visit yours first. We could go out for dinner together with everyone afterwards."

I finished booking the tickets and put the laptop away, pulling Mitch onto my lap. "I know, Mitchy. I'm just so nervous and like to know when we're telling my parents and how we're going to do it."

"I know and I understand it. But we're going to do it and everything will be alright." He managed to reassure me just by talking and touching me.

I pull him close to me and hold him for a second before releasing him. "Let's phone them and have some dinner afterwards."

We both confirmed our plans with our parents. They were so happy that we were coming over that they didn't ask for a reason why we were coming home so spontaneously.

Afterwards we had a nice dinner and packed up our bags for two days at home before having just a quiet evening on the sofa with a few glasses of wine.


On the afternoon of the next day we arrived back home in Arlington. My Dad picked us up at the airport and soon we were sitting in the living room of my childhood home, drinking a cup of coffee and chatting about the upcoming new album, about life in general until Mum asked me about Sarah. I gulped and looked at Mitch for support. He just smiled and nodded. Now was the time.

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