2. The Interview (Scott)

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I woke up early the next morning. I didn't sleep too good. My dreams were full of Sarah and her brother, calling me names and laughing about how I couldn't make her happy. And then there were Mitch and some mysterious guy making out and being so much in love that it was nauseating. People say that the subconscious tends to deal with things from daily live in dreams. I see where that comes from concerning Sarah. But what about Mitch? Why do I feel nausea hitting me when I see him being in love with another guy?

A firm knock on my door pulled me out of my weird thoughts.

"Sandy? You're up?" Mitch's tired yet cheerful voice sounded through the door.

"Yep. I'm on my way to the shower. Thanks for checking" I quickly answered. I checked my phone and stretched my back before finally getting up and under the shower the rather cold water helping me to get rid of the strange thoughts I was having.

When I was ready to go I met Mitch in the kitchen. He was sipping coffee from a huge mug.

"You look like you need some as well" he stated before he got up and filled another mug handing it over to me.

I took it and smiled, thanking him with a quiet voice. I looked at him closely. He appeared to be tired, too. Although he put concealer on his face, the dark circles were still recognisable.

"Don't think you look better, Samantha! You're definitely going to need a shitload of make-up to look presentable on TV, today, as well" Mitch sassed.

I took a sip from my hot coffee and grinned at him awkwardly. "At least I'm not the only one" I shot back.

Mitch chuckled. "Good one. You can do better but we're getting there."

"What do you mean by that" I wanted to know.

Mitch seemed to be caught. "Well... obviously you're not being yourself right now for good reasons. I'm just want you to be back to your happy self" he replied. "That sounded so stupid."

I laughed. "It did! But I think I know what you mean. Thank you for caring for me."

"You're welcome." Mitch genuinely smiled at me.

I smiled back. It felt forced but good nevertheless.

We finished our coffee in silence. By the time we were heading out it was clear that we had to skip Starbucks and rush to the TV station directly. But that was not too bad since we both already had our fill of caffeine at home.

We met Kirstie, Avi and Kevin outside of the huge building.

After we all hugged Kirstie looked up at me suspiciously. "What happened to you? You look like a ghost" she stated.

I sighed. "Sarah and I broke up yesterday. Well... more like Sarah has thrown me out of her apartment..." I said quietly.

"Oh no. That Bitch" Kirstie exclaimed. "Sorry for the language. Why didn't you call? Do you need help? Where are you staying?"

"Whoooah, Kirstie. Calm down. One question at a time" Mitch retorted.

"It's okay... Mitch helped me get my stuff out. It wasn't that much actually. I'm staying in my old room at Mitch's apartment until I find something new" I told her.

"It's our apartment, Scott. You don't have to search for a new one" Mitch exclaimed.

I smiled at him. "Thanks a lot. I think I just have to get used to us being roommates again. Not that I'd complain."

Mitch wanted to answer but a young woman carrying a clipboard with her. She smiled at the five of them and started talking.
"Pentatonix? Good morning. Great that you're already here. My name is Jessy, I'll be accompanying you today. If you have questions feel free to ask any time. We'll start with hair and make-up if needed and then you might just relax for a while, have a late breakfast or prepare yourselves. We've scheduled your interview for 13.30 so there should be enough time left inbetween."

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