14. Coming Out (Scott)

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Why would she do something like that? I thought that Sarah and I parted in, well not exactly in a friendship but like adults. At least that's what I thought. And now she pictures my new relationship as if it was just a cheap affair? Mitchy and I only having an affair? Ridiculous.

"Scotty, please talk to me! What do you want to do?"

I must've zoned out, because Mitch was talking to me with a rather urgent voice.

"I don't know, talk to her or so?" I shrugged my shoulders. "And I assume that this was my coming out."

"Scotty, that does not need to be your coming out. We can like... tell them that you're only bi-curious or so, of you're not ready" Mitch started and took my phone into his hands. He hugged me sideways. "We can wait until you're ready."

I shook my head, I already made this decision. "No, Mitchy. That wouldn't be fair to you. I really don't know how to react to that, though. What would you do?"

Mitch sighed and moved to sit down in my. lap. "Because of the outing or because of Sarah?"

"Both. I mean I really want to scream at her, want to blame her for everything she's done. Then again I don't care because you matter to me and that's it" I tried to explain.

"Why don't we just do nothing. Let her have her ten minutes in the spotlight. We know what's going on and that matters. And if you dare we post a selfie or two on snaps and post them. Or we just disappear from social media until everything has calmed down" Mitch advised with a soft voice.

I put my head down and let it rest on his shoulder. I was so confused. One second everything was just fine and then something like this happened. I was happy. I mean I always had known that one day I would need to come out but I felt like I still had a few weeks, maybe even months to plan that very moment to prepare myself for it. I wasn't even angry that Sarah pictured me as a cheater, everyone around me knew the real story.

"Penny for your thoughts, Scotty" Mitch said as he softly stroked my neck.

"I just wish that I could have been the one to choose the way of my coming out. But now everyone knows, I really think it's good like that. I really don't care about the cheating bit because you and I, we both know the truth. Let's just... live in the moment" I answered.

Mitch nodded. "Everything for you" he said.

"Shall we... Let's take a selfie, I want to confirm what we have" I suddenly bursted out.

I looked at Mitch, who was beaming at me, nodding fiercely qithca huge smile on his face. "I'd love to do that. Show the whole world that I love you. You know that I'd never push you to do that but I waited for this moment for more than two months."

I grinned because of his outburst but turned serious again when I listened to his words. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Mitchy."

"Don't be. We talked about this" Mitch retorted. "We wanted to wait until after the tour. But well, we both didn't expect Sarah to act like she just did. And now we're just reacting."

I took my phone and opened the camera while listening to Mitch reassuring me once more that everything was alright with us. I still needed to hear him say such things every now and then.

We took a few photos together, of us being cuddled up against each other, of Mitch sitting in my lap, leaning against me completely and finally of us kissing. We chose two of the best and each posted one of them on our Twitter accounts. I posted the one of us kissing, captioning it with real love. I really wanted to write something thoughtful but that was all that came into my mind. Mitch took the one of him literally melting into my embrace. His eyes were closed, there was a small smile on his face.

I laughed when I saw his tweet. We found love by Rihanna. That was so Mitch. I retweeted it and laid down my phone.

Mitch did the same and kissed me softly. "You did it, Scotty."

"I know. Oh my god, I love you, Mitch." I thew threw my arms around the small brunette.

"And I love you" he returned.

We kissed each other over and over again. Kissing led to making out. We made our way into the bedroom, enjoying each other's presence for the last time before tour.


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