7. Mistakes and Confessions (Mitch)

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A/N: Just a quick one: I updated 6. Coming to Terms (Scott) yesterday but wattpad made it private (I don't know why as there is no mature content). If you have problems reading that chapter contact me.

Anywhere - here we go:


"Bye Scottland" I yelled from the shower. I had to hurry up a little bit, since I had errands to run. At least that's what I told Scott. And that wasn't exactly a lie.

Last night I'd laid awake for quite a time after we had said good night, thinking. Although I was beyond relieved that me confessing my feelings for him didn't destroy our friendship. Scott had be so acceptive, I was lucky to have him as my best friend. Nevertheless I knew that he was still keeping secrets from me and I was still wondering what it was, because it affected Scott and I wanted to help him.

I was debating about right and wrong still, when I exited the car once I arrived at my destination. I told myself that it was the right thing to do and took a deep breath and went up to the porch of the apartment building, searching for the right bell button. Sarah Jones & Scott Hoying. His name was written still on the tag beside the button. Of course it was, since it had only been a few days. I pushed the button and waited until I heard Sarah's voice through the intercom.


I cleared my throat. "Hey, here's Mitch Grassi. I was just wondering if I could come in shortly. Scott's missing a few things and didn't want to come over himself."

There was a short silence at the other end. "I don't think that there's anything left here from him" Sarah answered.

I sighed. That was exactly what I had expected. "Please, Sarah. Just let me take a quick look, I promised to search through the part of the closet where his clothes were before."

Silence, again. But then I heard the buzzer. I opened the door and went up to the apartment. Sarah was already waiting in the door. "Hello, Sarah" I said and smiled formally.

"Hey, Mitch" she answered without a smile. "What are you searching for?"

"Could I come in, first? I need to talk to you" I confessed the true reason for my visit.

"I assume you won't leave me alone if I don't. But make it quick, I've got an appointment at the hairdresser" she said and stepped to the side to let me into the flat.

I got in and she closed the door behind me. "It won't take long, Sarah. I've got just one question. Why did the two of you break-up? I know that this is something you don't want to talk about that with me of all people. But I need to know, because he won't talk to me." I nearly pleaded her.

Sarah crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Well... it's hard to stay together as a couple when one isn't interested in the other one anymore, isn't it" she mocked.

I rolled my eyes. "Who, Sarah? Stop talking in riddles, please" I demanded.

"Well, when I came back home the day we broke-up he was masturbating to movies starring gay men" she said after a while. "Our sex-life had been non-existing and I can't live with a boyfriend who is gay and doesn't tell me."

My face fell at that. Scott - gay? Why didn't he talk to me about it. I would have known how to help him handle those feelings. After all, I've been there. Then I realised it. "Gays stand together." Chester had said that the day we got Scott's things out of the flat. And he'd told me to lock the door to my room. I should've known. Did I react wrong? Was it my fault that Scott wouldn't tell me?

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