11. Telling the Band (Mitch)

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I woke up pretty early the next morning. Scott was still slumbering, dreaming probably because he was stirring slightly every now and then. I loved watching him and one glance over to the clock on the bedside table told me that there would be still a lot of time left to do so as it was still pretty early and we had time.

Everything changed, however when he started to stir more which usually is a sign for him waking up. But he was still sleeping tightly, mumbling incoherent things. I tried to understand what he was saying but couldn't grasp it until he started to sigh. And then... Was that a moan? Was he having a sex- dream? Things just got interesting. Was it about me? Was it even about a man? I was curious and tried listening even more closely.

"Oh God..."

Another moan, this time with some words that were understandable. Come on, Scotty... Say my name, say my name...

"Please... Mitch!"

I swear in that very moment my heart stopped. Hearing my name uttered like that followed by a breathless moan had my blood travel to lower regions immediately.

"F*ck Mitchy" Scott mumbled again and grabbed the sheets , clenching his hand. Boy he was deep into whatever I was doing to him in that dream.

Would it be okay to try and mess around a little bit with my sleeping beauty? I quickly decided that it was since the whole situation was leaving me slightly hot and bothered.

"Scotty I'm right here... What do you need?" I whispered into his ear hoping to get his subconscious to answer.

"You ... Please Mitch" he answered almost directly.

I grinned. Imy plan worked and I figured that I might take it a little bit further.

"Uh uh, Love. That's not how it works. Tell me what you want me to do" I whispered seductively.

"I want you to... uh... Please let me..."

Beep beep beep

Oh no. Oh he'll no. I quickly hit the snooze button of Scott's alarm clock but it was too late. Scott was already groaning and waking up. Damn it.

"Morning Scotty" I whispered yet again not trusting my voice enough.

His eyes focused on me. "Good morning Mitchy. Did you sleep good?"

I nodded. "Better actually. Had a weird dream, though but slept like a stone apart from that. What about you , Scott?" The dream was a lie, obviously. I just wanted to check if he remembered and if he did, if he was willing to share.

"I...ugh..." he started. "I think I had a pretty good dream to be honest. About... you and me and us doing stuff."

I grinned. "I figured. It was right before waking up. I was awake and listening. Sounded amazing. Care to share what went down? You left Mommy hungry." I was being bold. Bolder than I would usually be. But hey - why not. Go for it.

Scott looked at me and smiled. "I don't know to be honest. You were turning me on and always asking what I wanted... Then I woke up" he said and shrugged, moving to get up. "Sorry to leave you hanging but I need to,go to the bathroom, take care of... things."

I put my hand on his arm. "Let me help you..." I offered.

He looked up. "I... I don't know." He was lost.

"But I know, Scott. Let me help you, don't worry. It'll be good." I quickly got up, moved to the other side of the bed and took his hand. "Let's take a shower and see where it leads us."

I saw that he was hesitating for a short time before he nodded. "Why not..."

I grinned, happy about the fact that he had agreed and pulled him over to the bathroom.

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