6. Coming to Terms (Scott)

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"I love women and you're a man. I'm sorry to hurt your feelings but I'm feeling nothing more than a deep friendship for you." I felt so sorry for hurting Mitch. Yet, it was what he wanted from me. It was what he needed. Nevertheless a part of me literally screamed when I said that.

LIAR! You do have feelings for him!

I ignored that voice and concentrated on caring for Mitch. I took him into my arms, holding him tight as he cried a little bit and reassured him that his feelings wouldn't change a thing. He calmed down rather quickly and then he asked me about Sarah again.

For a second I just wanted to tell him everything. Wanted him to help me. But then again I couldn't talk about it. I didn't know how. I know that I was being ridiculous. But I denied to have any other reason for being single again than Sarah and me not being compatible.

I could read in his face that Mitch wasn't content with my answer. To distract him from the obvious disappointment I proposed going out for dinner with Kirstie.

I knew directly that he was faking his smile when he agreed, but I didn't react to it. Quickly, I texted Kirstie, getting an answer almost directly.

"Mitchy? It's going to be the two of us, tonight. Kirstie's on her way to the movie's with friends. Apparently she thought that we'd need the whole night to talk things through" I explained. "So... what do you want to do? I'm yours all night."

He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Nothing that involves going out or stuff. I thought about working on some music, feel free to join me." He smiled half-heartedly and got up.

"Music sounds great. How about we plan a cover for Superfruit or something" I proposed. "Haven't done that in a long time and the fans love it."

"Why not" Mitch answered and smiled. "Your room, then? I just grab water and everything and we're good to go."

He didn't sound as excited as I had hoped he would. I just wanted to spend some time with him as friends doing fun things. To be honest, I wanted to distract him from thinking about Sarah's and mine relationship. Bad move and definitely not what I should have done, I know.

We met up in my room by the keyboard and worked on different things the whole evening and well into the night. It was fun, like always, although we both were a little bit uneasy around each other.
After hours of trying things out we decided to do a stripped-down piano cover of Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson. We adored her and just learned that we'd be going on tour with her later this year. And the song was amazing.

It was well after 3 am when Mitch yawned loudly. "I'm sorry, Scotty but I think I'll call it a night" he said.

I chuckled. "We should do that. After all we managed to complete one great cover. We can take it to the studio and record and film it just like that."

"I know, I know... we're amazing, aren't we?" He grinned and winked at me. That gesture reminded me of the old times, those times where we were the best friends without something being between us. Would we ever be able to be like that or would our friendship be strained permanently?

"We are beyond amazing, Macy" I retorted and grinned as well. "But I'm going to sleep, too. It's been a long day."

We both stood up and he left the room, calling a "goodnight" as he did so. I quickly closed the door and went into the bathroom, getting ready for the night.


The next morning started late. Well, no surprise after going to bed after 3 am. I woke up to Mitch's singing in the hall as he entered the apartment. I sniffed and grinned. He got coffee. Perfect.

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