9. The first Date (Mitch)

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I took my time to get ready. After all it was a date I was having. I fed Wyatt and went over to my bathroom, taking a long shower before going through my skincare-routine. I had skipped most of it yesterday because I was too tired. Well and I had been longing to be in Scott's arms again. Sometimes life is funny. I've had feelings for the one guy that was out of reach since High School. Though I hate to brag I have to admit that there are many guys I could have had, but I only wanted Scott. The straight one. And once I'm ready to get over him he tells me that he likes me. Better late than never. That saying is so true.

Anyway. I'm drifting off again. Back to getting ready. I put on my moisturiser and looked at myself in the mirror, smiling at my well-rested appearance. I had slept so good, I had almost no dark circles under my eyes. Well except those which are genetically. Thanks to my Mum, I guess. I applied only a tiny bit of concealer before I was satisfied with the way I look.
My hair was easy, I straightened it and styled it the way I wanted it to be.

Next step: Clothes. Since we were going out only for breakfast I didn't want to be overdressed. I stood in front of my wardrobe and went through possible outfits, deciding on a black skinny-jeans almost instantly. To complete my outfit I took out a bright blue sweater that Scott got me for Christmas. I loved this thing. I got dressed quickly and checked myself in the large mirror. I was just fixing my hair once again when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in, I'm almost ready" I said loudly while I searched for the right shoes.

The door opened and Scott stood there, waiting patiently for me to put on my shoes.

"Hello Mitch, I wanted to pick you up for our date" he said as I went over towards the door.

I grinned. "Alright, Just let me get my bag and I'm good to go. I grabbed my last new bag, another Christmas-present by Scott, and threw my phone and wallet in it. I closed it and turned around to Scott. "Let's go" I said and took his hand.

We made our way out to his car. Being the gentleman that he is, Scott opened the passenger door and closed it once I was sitting inside the car.

The ride over to the beach was filled with Beyoncé and us singing along, like always. Soon Scott parked the car and we got out. I did it by myself this time, forgetting to wait for Scott to open the door for me.

I wanted to hold out my hand but stopped halfway. Scott realised this and looked at me questioning.

"What's up, Mitchy?"

"I... I'm not sure if you're ready for PDA, yet" I said, blushing. "Can we maybe set some boundaries regarding things like holding hands, pecks on the cheek and stuff? I don't want to do too much..."

Scott nodded and smiled. "I know what you mean. And I don't know what I want..." He seemed lost.

I put a hand on his arm. "Let's just play by ear, alright? Just say something if you're uncomfortable..."

Scott seemed relieved. "Let's go inside" he said and put his hand on my back as we started walking, taking it away soon after. So no holding hands, yet.

I made a mental note to not try anything like that. I wanted everything to go at his pace.

We went into the small café together and got a nice table in a small niche. Perfect.

Nancy, an older lady who actually owned this place came up to us a while later and smiled.

"Scott and Mitch... what an honour. It's been a while since you've been here."

I chuckled. "We were so busy touring and stuff and you know life happened" I replied not wanting to say too much about the reason we were there.

Scott nodded. "But today we have a day off and it's a special occasion so we decided to come here."

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