Now or Never

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For three weeks straight I have been able to avoid Paige and her witch friends. In these weeks me and the girls have gotten a lot closer than I would've anticipated, especially with Nicola.
I mean yes Kimber is my roommate but there's like a small invisible wall that won't let us get as close as I am with Cheryl.

I honestly believe the issue is on my side though, and I think I've pinned it down to it being how much she defends Elizabeth left and right. No matter what, she will always stand up to defend her, even against Cheryl who is very vocal about not being very fond of her roommate.

Nicola, however, is very quiet and won't say much out loud in front of Kim but has stood up for me a few times where Paige has tried to bully me, which is very surprising because she wouldn't even harm a spider. She's the kind of person that will take her time to put the little insect outside rather than just squishing it like anybody else would.

Nicola is so gentle that it makes me want to protect her at all costs but when it comes to these witches I fold and can't even stand up for myself. In so many instances Cheryl has gotten so close to getting into actual physical fights during dance class but Ms. Faye steps in just in time. Luckily, we never get in trouble since we're not the instigators.

Dance has been amazing though; Ms. Faye is a complete angel and has taken her time with me to help get me up to speed. Since this is her second year teaching the same girls, they're all very advanced with the techniques and are well prepared to master the mid-year dance recital. After that, we are starting fresh meaning I will have the same time and practice for the biggest show at the end of the year.

I had a different image of how this dance class was going to go. All I thought I was going to do was dance and dance and dance but nope. I learned that the hard way the second week in, thankfully Cheryl was there to save the day.

The talent in this school is off the roof, every single girl in this dance class is amazing at what they do and they give their best. I know that if I want to make my presence known I have to work twice as hard. I was not handed private lessons by the best teacher in the country, I was lucky enough to have Ms. Joy in my corner, she did what she could with the means we had, and I will forever be grateful, but I now see it was not even close to enough.

Cheryl is undoubtedly the best of the best in the school, and everyone knows it. Because of that everyone plots against her and unfortunately for me, that means I also have a target on my back since she's the one that has been teaching and helping me get better and better each day.

I love dance so much, but Cheryl has pushed me to the very best of my abilities and I know she means no harm but goddamn she's nearly killed me from exhaustion. Every Friday night and all most all-day Saturday we've been at the dance ballroom grinding hard.

But only having half of Saturday and Sunday to do my schoolwork has put me behind a little bit, mainly in World History. I cannot for the life me catch up on the notes. I'm falling behind in all the other classes too but at the end of the day one of the girls lets me borrow their notes to catch up.

However, in World History I have no one and the teacher is a massive asshole who doesn't care whether you're done writing everything down or not, he moves on right away.

Elizabeth has offered a few times to let me copy off of her, but I have too much pride. I have refused every single time. I don't want to feel like I owe her anything. This girl is so hot and cold I never know which version of her I'm going to get. I've had my few shares of encounters with her, mainly in Cheryl's room, where nobody's around and she is nothing but nice. Yet every other encounter when she is with her friends, she looks at me like I'm garbage.

I'm trying hard to catch my breath, Cheryl is in the shower and asked me to wait for her so we can go to my room for the night. After the school day was over, we had gone back to see Ms. Faye for some pointers that Cheryl took to heart. She decided we needed to skip dinner time with the girls and keep dancing. She said Kimber was going to get us food before bed. So here I am laying on the floor, catching my breath and letting my poor legs recover after tonight's lesson. I hear the door click open but I don't bother to move.

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