False Hope

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The rest of the ride to her house is quiet and slow. She was driving well below the speed limit, even to the point where the twins caught up to us. She tried apologizing a couple of times but I just didn't have the energy to say anything. If she wants to be an adrenaline junky she is more than welcome but she has to know and respect her audience.

I am not Ollie and I do not react well to adrenaline; all it does is make my anxiety worse. I don't need any more sweaty palms and shortness of breaths. It is not a good combination and just triggers so much more in my brain that I had finally put behind me a few hours ago.

The big black gates open and we follow close behind the twins' car. Lizzie has been tapping her fingers on the steering wheel but the pace has increased and her knee is bouncing rapidly, I can sense she is anxious. Moving my eyes from her knee to the front of the house I see two very angry twins almost sprinting down to the car.

"OUT NOW!" The twins say at the same time, ripping both of our doors open and I am being dragged by MK out of the car.

"Relax," Lizzie tries to laugh and play it cool but the look on her face shows she is scared of the twins; shit, I'm scared too and I didn't even fucking do anything.

"When are you going to learn? Stop seeking death! Just because you dodge it once does not mean you're immortal," Ashley is holding Lizzie by her shirt collar.

"DON'T!" Lizzie bites back, her eyes finding mine to see if I heard what her sister has said.

"MK you deal with her, dad will hear about this." Ashley turns around and heads to the front door. MK drops my arms and goes to Lizzie who is resting against the car, head hanging low. I'm just standing there, scared to move an inch. I feel like I'm intruding on a very intimate moment between the two of them.

"Giggles," MK sighs, taking her little sister into her arms like a baby. Lizzie doesn't put up a fight and embraces her big sister, sobbing involuntarily.

"She blames me-,"

"No, no she doesn't- she just doesn't want to lose you." MK cuts Lizzie off, not allowing her to blame herself.

"It's okay, she doesn't have to, because I blame myself everyday." Lizzie pulls away, storming toward the front door. MK's head is between her hands and I feel stuck for a moment. The minute I regain control I slowly backtrack my steps but right before I could get to the car door MK's voice stops me.

"She is going to need to you tonight." She sadly smiles, and I really don't think they know me and Lizzie are nowhere near friends or anything for that matter. Lizzie loves to keep a front with her sisters, and another with her friends from school and I always seem to be trapped in the middle.

"Come on." MK asks for my hand to take.

"I think I should go back." I whisper, not wanting to come off as insensitive.

"Please don't," her voice sounds wimpish, and my heart melts at her sad droopy eyes. "Please, I can't do it alone tonight."

"Okay- okay." I say, taking her in my arms. This feels weird, I'm barely ever the one comforting other people, especially somebody older than me and someone I have just met. I can hardly turn my back now, after the way they looked after me last weekend and continued checking up on me throughout the week.

"Lets get inside and check on them yeah?" I squeeze her hard before letting go and slipping my hand down to hold hers, leading us toward the wide-open front door. The house is so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the only light on is the one from the kitchen. The rest of the house is almost pitch black, letting the moonlight naturally illuminate the entrance.

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